Saturday, August 31, 2019
Is Education Important Essay
In today’s globally competitive world, education is another aspect that measures a person’s skills and capabilities. Employers and companies look for people with high educational attainment that have proven their more capable skills and knowledge when compared to other people (also known as the competition). Families brag about scholarships, honourable mentions and awards. Even something as getting a date or a life partner would depend on what kind of education did a person have from their early childhood until their university years and even reaching to further graduate studiesâ€â€whether people would freely admit it or not. Education is judged as important primarily because it is associated with learning skills, knowledge and experiences that would help him/her to be successful in the real world. The real world is defined as the world that one has to work to get some food on the table, pay taxes to help the nation and get rid of the pile of unpaid bills. On the other hand, success in the real world is the defined as having the ability to afford both the basic necessities and luxuries. Education then is concluded as being the answer to achieve that success. How? While people usually complain why they have to take physics or chemistry in high school when their ambition is really to become a ballerina or a manager, those students fail to see that education also provides non-formal educationâ€â€education that happens outside the educational set-up but which they learn while inside the educational institution. Things like social skills, discipline, confidence, tenacity and patience, etc. re things which can only be taught through association with other peopleâ€â€and doing things they do not enjoy and consider useless. Aside from the fact that there are critical and cognitive thinking skills that one learns in formal educationâ€â€like basic math which is very important or memorization and analyzing things which are also very importantâ€â€non-formal education is another form of education that develops the person’s ability to stay and succeed in the real world. To end, education’s importance cannot really be put into simple words and abstract concepts because the reason for its importance is tantamount to explaining why food and shelter is important. But overall, this is the pointâ€â€yes, education whether formal or non-formal is imperatively essential to everyone. If it was not, then why did the school system manage to continue forth and survive from the time of the ancient Greeks to today’s 21st century and technologically-advanced world?
Friday, August 30, 2019
Rethinking the City of Marseille Through Its Control, Occupation and Separation
Rethinking the metropolis of Marseille through itscontrol, businessandseparation Abstraction With the urban development, there are more and more physical boundaries built in metropoliss dividing urban infinites, like transit substructure: railroad and main road. these building became more seeable but less accessible for walkers. Although they are of import to maintain the metropolis operating good, they created an enclosed ambiance within the metropolis to its exterior infinite. On the other manus, boundaries besides formed by the legal boundary lines or parts, states or states are used to specify borders, separate two entities, and interrupt flows such as human migrations and ecosystems. Natural and unreal boundaries exist and will go on to make so in one manner or another. Is it possible to rethink what a boundary is, and what its possible in citations can be, and if we even need them or non? Urban development has acquired sufficient substructure to back up metropoliss, but additive substructure was ever treated as an accoutrement to metropoliss without serious consideration and ordinance of urban and spacial issues. These substructures cut the urban cloth and circulation of walkers. But they provided indispensable maps of construction to the metropolis and at the same clip individuality for people acknowledging urban infinites. The most interesting facet is that they are elements with the map of transporting and connecting, but produce division in urban forms. The thought of Boundary and Border are multidimensional elements in urban infinite – from the national graduated table like national boundary line barrier to the urban graduated table like airdrome and haven. But they are normally used in a negative meaning, because they frequently promote being linked to international places like marginalisation and exclusion and being formed as a barrier or a fencing. With this issue, my undertaking is about detecting the boundary/border status between Marseille and its haven, these boundaries non merely formed a backwoods between metropolis and haven but besides possessed more complicated effects to the metropolis. Furthermore, giving a definition of boundary and boundary line in their map and demo the chief issue with port of Marseille– the paradox of its multi-meanings of separation, connexion and control. Through different positions from immigrants, tourers and local people in Marseille, utilizing the construct of ( The Urban Lobby ) to cover with the issue of boundary and boundary line, and reconnect metropolis of Marseille and its haven. Introduction In the urban design, it ‘s about doing connexions with infinites and people, urban cloth and edifices, policy determination and building. We try to look into thoughts and theories from urban phenomena, and better the reinforced signifier of metropolis and colony to do our metropolis working more efficaciously. Human colonies, from small town to cities are mussy. Many complicated and complex spacial composing procedure like national boundary line, regional scenes and substructure built based on the human behaviour, political relations, economic forces, capitalisation and globalisation. Therefore, analyzing the significances of complexness and individuality of these building is more of import in this essay. In the instance of the Mediterranean context, the phenomenon of planetary and regional touristry and conveyance web and the building of national/regional individualities prostration within the leftover of infinites perceivably. Issues such as the regional hostility, division of national boundary line, geopolitical domination and eventually political orientation and competition in a planetary graduated table get a paradigmatic value in the context of the Mediterranean district. Most significantly, the cultural and political history of the Mediterranean necessitates a treatment that expands into a complex urban affair, so a spacial stuff that should be studied. And the merchandises of the political relations and economic system of metropolis should hold to be evaluated as elements of the complex mechanisms that formulate our metropoliss in spacial and temporal footings. Furthermore, to travel beyond it in an operative manner. Aiming to re-think the elements that regulate infinites on t he district and to step in within their organisational forms. Further, with the national provinces all around the universe are progressively unable to modulate transit of population and goods, and it can be seen that everything has become de-centered and de-territorialized in term of graduated table. Marseille, France, shows itself as a specific site of complexness research in the Mediterranean. From the position of location, economic system and societal position of Marseille. Throughout its history and territorial scene, the metropolis of Marseille expended with development of its seaport. The old port of Marseille farther formed a high denseness of metropolis centre. Furthermore, the development of economical and physical dealingss have modify the form of the port, besides the form of the metropolis. Since Marseille is located as a intersection in the Mediterranean. Its port ever treated as a gateway of pass throughing people and goods. Up to now, the port of Marseille is still one of major commercial ports in the Mediterranean for lading and riders and besides has a really important place in the universe planetary exchange. At the Social degree, couple to its location in the Mediterranean, Marseille has a really complex societal web, pulling many immigrants and made Marseille to be a widely distributed thaw pot, unlike other major Gallic metropoliss like Paris or Lyon. On the terminal of the eighteenth century about half of its population originated from elsewhere in Provence largely. And in 1960s, there was a reaching of big Numberss of people from Algeria. Many immigrants have settled and provided the metropolis of Marseille a French-African with a big market. The metropolis served as an entryway port for over a million immigrants to France. Chapter 1: thephenomenonof migration in Marseille As the largest haven of France, Marseille has ever seen as a runing pot of civilization and people. Its location makes it became a gateway to the Mediterranean, North Africa, and the Middle East. Throughout its history the metropolis of Marseille has aggregated consecutive flows of immigrants from Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey and North Africa in 18 centuries to 19 centuries. This place of in-migration in France has been profoundly influenced by the policy of colonialism of old centuries and the tradition of using foreign labour for the procedure of industrialisation. Besides, in 1962, when the Algerian war ended, there were approximately about 150,000 people moved to Marseille. Through the sixtiess and 1970s, gauging the figure of Muslim of North Africans immigrated to Marseille at approximately two million. After the economic crisis in early 1970s, France stopped all the policy of employment for foreign labour. However, this tactics did n't diminish in in-migration. On the contrary, many original immigrants tried to settle in France and brought their households to fall in them. Therefore, reunion of family has become another most important step and issue of in-migration. Because of its topography, the whole metropolis of Marseille enclosed by the haven and mountains. Marseille did n't hold adequate infinites to construct a â€Å" banlieue †which is a suburb of a big metropolis with several independent administrative territories like Paris. Thus, many races in Marseille were forced to garner in the same country with cultural and societal struggles. Put otherwise, Marseille is a metropolis which garnering multi-cultures but discord with each race with societal and cultural tensenesss. Because Marseille is deficiency of appropriate ordinances on immigrants, the metropolis is now confronting with the serious economic and societal jobs of immigrant population that suffers from progressively high rate of unemployment and offense. Therefore, the manner of immigrants traveling to Marseille, the system of boundary line control and the manner of how immigrants integrate into Marseille will go pressing issues in the hereafter. Boundary and boundary line in Marseille Furthermore, the metropolis of Marseille had a really close relationship with ocean. With the development of haven, many substructure particularly transit system established to back up metropolis of Marseille, but this passage caused the metropolis bit by bit divided into several parts with different urban forms and maps. The port of Marseille is located near the centre of metropolis as a topographic point closed to the dehumanising atmosphere.One of the great troubles of the terrain are railway nearby the haven and in the raised part of highway.They are perceived by walkers as a boundary line, a barrier to the sea. The whole boundary country amplified by multiple walls, fencings, and the coastline isolated by port installations and international zone of ferries. These physical constructions were elements with double map of connexion and separation, even being linked to sociological and international place like marginalisation and exclusion and being built as a barrier or wall to cur tail and command specific infinites. Statement of Boundary and boundary line Boundary and boundary line are multidimensional elements in urban infinite – from the national graduated table like national boundary line barrier to the urban graduated table like airdrome and haven. One of definition of ‘boundary and border’ is about â€Å" The boundaries define a infinite of containers and topographic points ( the traditional sphere of architecture ) , while the webs established a infinite of links and flows. Walls, fencings and teguments divide waies, pipes and wire connexions. â€Å" ( William J. Mitchell ) . On the other manus, it can be look that the boundary lines are produced by human existences to procure or command urban infinites. As a unreal merchandise they are modifiable and shapeable procedures and non a general motionless construction or stuff. Ante goes farther to explicate that a fringy infinite with hapless or no colony that divides two countries from each other. This transitional infinite is reduced to a line on the map or a reinforced fencing. ( Ante,1995:432 ) Morphologically, physical and additive boundary like railroad and highway take the directional map in the metropolis and are related to lines for the countries they are spliting and linking. Kevin Lynch argues in â€Å"The Image of the City†( Lynch,2007:78-80 ) that boundary and boundary line are one of the important stuffs of the metropolis for its whole operation. Although the map of boundary is a really important one for the position of the metropolis, I found out that boundaries ca n't be simplified to morphological lines in the urban planning. Furthermore, these physical linear boundaries have their ain characteristics formed by spacial, institutional and legal significances, and besides by societal, economic or political change, that continually separate the urban infinite once more. Therefore the purpose of this essay is three-folds. First, discoursing the types of boundary and boundary line such as additive substructure and inte rnational boundary line and analyzing the impacts of different formation of boundary in three instances: 1. physical boundary in Taipei 2. political boundary – Berlin wall 3. national boundary line between U.S and Mexico. Second, discoursing how do modern-day designers trade with the issue of boundary. Third, I will claim my place about undertaking with urban boundaries – film overing boundaries with a precise design attack – â€Å" The urban anteroom †. And so this thought will be directed against to cover with the boundaries between metropolis of Marseille and its haven. Chapter 2: definitionof physical boundaries definition I –formed byadditive substructure Linear substructure is the economic system ‘s blood supply. Roads, main road, railroad move and connect people and goods in metropoliss ; public-service corporations bring in indispensable services and take waste. But these practical linear constructions formed in uninterrupted which built on the surface of land or over-ground formed the physical boundaries visually, even commanding motion and separating activities and urban form of the metropolis. From the position of Kevin Lynch, â€Å" Edges are the additive elements non used or considered as waies by the perceiver, they are the boundaries between two stages, additive interruptions in continuity: shores, railway cuts, borders of development, walls. †( Lynch,2007:47 ) . Although these boundaries likely non every bit opinion as waies and may be barriers with less penetrable to traverse motion, are of import for many people to added look to urban forms, moving as the surface and specifying the mass of infinites. The add itive substructure non merely created physical barriers on the land but besides affected the feeling of the metropolis with the overhead substructure. Additionally, they decreased land values like dividing the continuity of urban activities and blocks, and diminishing qualities of urban environment environing these constructions. This phenomenon made more accessary infinites like industrial mills / recycling mills / parking infinites garnering at environing of additive construction. instance I –physical boundaries in Taipei definition II –formed byterritorial/national boundary line Throughout the 20th century, The International Law define that â€Å" Boundaries of district or state are the fanciful lines on the surface of the Earth which separate the district of one province from that of another, or from unappropriated district, or from the unfastened sea. †( Oppenheim. L, 1905. p253 ) . However these lines are non merely fanciful, people built the practical building of system or wall as a natural and sensible act of defence, limitation and security control from state to state – control of boundary line barrier and from metropolis to metropolis – airdrome and haven, which besides divided one country from that of another by national political relations or private proprietors. â€Å" Authority produces infinite through. . .cutting it up, distinguishing between packages of infinite, the usage and maltreatment of boundary lines and markers, the production of graduated tables ( from the organic structure, through the part and the state, to the Earth ) , the control of motion within and across different sorts of boundaries. †( Pile, S. 1997. p3 ) . Although people built the boundaries ( boundary lines ) of the metropolis for defence and domination, sometimes merely was a symbolic one, these physical boundaries ( boundary lines ) sometimes were being expensive to keep, inefficient and be corrupted by administrative official. But physically, socially, politically, these boundaries ( boundary lines ) undeniably built a protected manner of crowned head rights and public security. Therefore, with the development of globalisation and flows of in-migration, the boundaries ( boundary lines ) seem to be redefined as new chance for productive public infinite. instance II –national boundary line between U.S and Mexico In the undermentioned portion of the essay I will give an illustration of the national boundary line as a multidimensional codification. It is based on the research between U.S and Mexico boundary line barrier. â€Å" The U.S – Mexico boundary line barrier appears typical in intent, map, and building among the many walls being built around the universe, spliting the Global North from the Global South and aimed chiefly at northbound flows of illegal drugs and immigrants. â€Å" ( Brown, W. 2010. p35. ) Furthermore, harmonizing to figures provided by The International Boundary, the length of boundary line is about 3,145km, cutting across a assortment of terrains, runing from the urban countries to abandon environment. But it is the most often crossed international boundary line in the universe, with about 3.5 million people of legal crossings yearly. The boundary line is a imposingly big and expensive construction with sixty-foot-high steel and concrete barrier as a significant fencing, composition of cameras, detectors, watchtowers and other sensing engineerings to keep the boundary line ‘s map. However, under this state of affairs, there were still about 0.5 million illegal i mmigrants from Mexico escaped the boundary line barrier into United States per twelvemonth. ( Government Accountability Office. 2006. p42. ) Besides, since 1990s, there were more than 150 secret resistance tunnels have been found along the boundary line between U.S and Mexico. The papers shows that runners and felons continuously transit the illegal drugs and immigrants into United States despite U.S imposts maintain reenforcing the system and building of boundary line barrier in recent old ages. ( Lichtenwald, T. and Perri, F.S. 2011. ) Furthermore, the cost of keeping and set uping fencing security was surprisingly increase to $ 60 billion over 25 old ages, this cost excludes the funded labour and wage to private-property proprietors. ( Brown, W. 2010. p37. ) The boundary line controlseemingly decreases illegal crossings efficaciously, nevertheless, this intensification of building compound the jobs about more original illegal migrators seeking to settle in the United States for good, and besides increased the cost of one-direction illegal migration to in the United States. In the other words, the boundary line is a conflicting issue on the security and economic, the state wo n't open boundary lines for free flows of labour, goods and services from another without security. But on the other manus, both the status of state are ever unequal, people in hapless status still desire to travel to the better 1. Furthermore, many employers besides tend to engage illegal labour from the other side with lower payments. These grounds caused the tendency of illegal migration will be continued despite of the reinforce of boundary line control. Therefore, it seems that we ca n't merely handle the boundary line as one simple building of control or a gate for immigrating and emigrating, but besides handle it as a ephemeral infinite or zone that has more chances to rethink the issue of migration and the phenomenon of segregation in metropoliss. Chapter 3: instance survey of covering with boundaries Case study –Rem Koolhaas Exodus, The Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture. Chapter 4: Position: unfastened boundaries –The urban anteroom The map of south haven of Marseille is about transporting immigrants, goods and wheeled ladings, and having tourers from other states. In order to guaranting the safety of state and people, the port built a series of complex fencings for security control. This boundary line formed by the economic, societal and political division. Unlike a additive boundary line edifice on the district, the port of Marseille seems like a infinite of control near the boundary line – border district, busying one side of the metropolis to its coastline. Besides, the system of usage control in haven seems like unwelcome and unfriendly for tourers and immigrants. It ‘s easy to accomplish the control of in-migration by rigorous legal ordinance. However, how do we cover with the spacial issue about immigrants in Marseille? I proposed to open the boundaries with the thought of the urban anteroom, which is cited from the map of airdromes ‘ anteroom. This battle non merely open up the chances for new signifiers of communicating and public infinites, but besides animating a series of intermediate infinite like independent parts between the metropolis of Marseille and its haven, which offer immigrants the better chances to settle, work and adapt with other races and local civilization. Decision– Mentions – Ante, U. ( 1995 ) .Grenze, in: Handworterbuch Der Raumordnung.pp. 432–436. Aureli, V.P. ( 2010 ) .The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture. Brown, W. ( 2010 ) .Walled provinces, declining sovereignty.pp. 35–42. Graham,S. and Simon, M. ( 2001 ) .Seceding urbanism: networked substructures, technological mobilities and the urban status. Lynch, K. ( 2007 ) .The Image of the City.pp. 78-80Mezzadra, S and Neilson, B. ( 2008 )Border as Method.Weizman, E. ( 2007 )Hollow Land.Sorkin, M. ( 2005 )Against The Wall: Israel ‘s Barrier to Peace.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Food is culture, culture is food Essay
A majority of people really do care about their health when they choose foods to eat. They always think: The food they eat must gives their bodies the â€Å"information†and materials they need to function properly. If they don’t get the right information, their metabolic processes suffer and their health declines. http://www. takingcharge. csh. umn. edu/explore-healing-practices/food-medicine/how-does-food-impact-health Espcially in Vietnam, most of people always use five fundamental taste elements when they’re cooking. For Vietnamese people, salt is used as the connection between the worlds of the living and the dead. Cooking and eating play an extremely important role in Vietnamese culture. The word an (eat) is included in a great number of proverbs and has a large range of semantic extensions. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Vietnamese_cuisine#Cultural_importance Vietnamese cuisine is reflective of the Vietnamese lifestyle from the preparation to how the food is served. Going through long phases of war and political conflicts, as well as cultural shifts, the vast majority of the Vietnamese people have been living in poverty. Therefore, the ingredients for Vietnamese food are often very inexpensive but nonetheless, the way they are cooked together to create a yin – yang balance make the food simple in look but rich in flavor. Due to economic condition, maximizing the use of ingredients to save money has become a tradition in Vietnamese cooking. http://en. WHAT DOES FOOD IS CULTURE, CULTURE IS FOOD MEAN TO YOU? In every country, there’s always have their icons or foods which is symbolize for their country image. Espcially food, in my opinion, food is one of the thing which can be introduced to foreigners about the country’s culture much easier than the other things such as clothes, souvernirs†¦ And a lot of countries have shown their culture through the way they cook food, through the way they eat and through the way they use ingredient for their cooking.
The Role that Alternative Dispute Resolution Plays in the English Essay
The Role that Alternative Dispute Resolution Plays in the English Civil Justice System - Essay Example Cumulatively, the main question is whether or not the aims of civil justice report facilitate greater access to justice for disputants via alternative dispute resolution. This study is therefore divided into two parts. The first part of this study analyses alternative dispute resolution and the second part of the paper analyses the extent to which alternative dispute resolution is facilitated by the English civil justice system. Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative dispute resolution broadly defined implies the use of non-traditional court adjudication of disputes. Invariably this means the use of mediation, conciliation or arbitration as opposed to formal litigation.6 However, the term alternative dispute resolution received academic attention beginning in the 1980s and was used as a frame of reference to an option for resolving civil disputes in the absence of lawyers or legal input. By the end of the decade of the 1980s alternative dispute resolution institutions began to fo rm and gain currency in the UK. By the 1990s, alternative dispute resolution was perceived as an important solution to the evolving litigious culture which created delays, inordinate costs and created a significant problem for ordinary citizens to gain access to civil litigation.7 According to Stipanowich over the last two or more decades, there has been a consistent effort on the part of lawyers, the judiciary, business entities and governments to cooperate on the formation of strategies and policies calculated to provide for the more efficient and less costly management and resolution of conflicts which invariably includes ADR processes.8 Arbitration is often described as an informal and rather simple version of adjudication via the courts in which the formal requirements relative to procedural laws such as discovery are typically waived and instead adopt a more informal process.9 Arbitration derives its strength from the disputant’s agreement to submit to arbitration and t o abide by any award administered by the arbitrator who is usually a tribunal of three independent decision-makers or a single arbitrator.10 It would therefore appear that arbitration, is poised to forego or at the very least reduce the cost and time involved in litigation by removing the procedural complexities and guidelines established for civil litigation and thereby dispensing with the need for the involvement of lawyers. In this regard, arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution, with its emphasis on party autonomy arguably plays a significant role in the reduction of time and cost involved in resolving civil disputes and therefore contributes to facilitating the drive for broadening access to civil
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