Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Cold War and US Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Cold War and US Diplomacy - Essay Example Main body contains the appropriate representation of the information together with the critical analysis. The background of the doctrine, the most significant events, the central ideas and consequences of the Truman Doctrine are included. The information is supported by the examples from different investigations in this area. The conclusion provides an assumption of the given information. The method used is particularized examination of the literature together with the critical summarizing and personal inferences on the topic. The research works of different scholars together with logical argumentation is included to the paper. It was relevant to admit that USA government performed a number of policies in the second half of twentieth century that were called doctrines. That was considered to be an accurate foreign policy of America after the World War II. Such courses had been implemented in order to restrain the USSR politics and influence in the world (Roskin and Berry, 2010). The first doctrine that was performed by US government had been called the Truman Doctrine (Roskin and Berry, 2010). This policy left a significant mark and performed a huge impact in the history of the world in general and USA in particular. The Truman Doctrine was called after the president Harry S. Truman who introduced his course to the entire world. This policy was implemented in the 1945-1953 years in the USA (Roskin and Berry, 2010). This doctrine also called the â€Å"containment†policy was aimed to deter the USSR socialistic politics (Roskin and Berry, 2010). US government desired to stop communism that seemed to be unacceptable for the new democratic ideas that was spawned in America after the war. The matter was that Truman had to attain the post of the US president in a difficult time for the entire world. That was the period after the World War II when all the Europe remained to be destroyed and devastated (Nichols, 2014). Global crisis started to cover
Eurocompanies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Eurocompanies - Essay Example There is often a futuristic focus, with prescribed contingent outcomes. Although there are often attempts to address both the practice and the conceptual aspects of HRD, the drive to express HRD in relation to models, frameworks and typologies could result in a distancing between rhetoric and reality, similar to that found in HRM debates. As Hatcher argues, 'Without a focus on the theoretical foundations of research and practice, HRD is destined to remain atheoretical in nature and poor practice will continue to undermine its credibility' (2000:45). Historically, the development of HRD can be traced from training and instructional design, to training and development, to employee development, to human resource development. Traditionally, the field of HRD was defined by practice, not from a theoretical frame or set of research. Pat McLagan (1983) postulates the boundaries of HRD as individual development, organization development and career development. O'Brien and Thompson (1999) apply a similar framework in the Irish and European context. More recently, the emergence of HRD related journals have presented an opportunity to define the field on the basis of theory and practice. There is also a blurring of the boundaries in relation to the affiliation of researchers. Many early American researchers emanated from either an instructional design or an adult educational base. Recently Jacobs has reported that there are an increased number of manuscripts coming from business schools. This trend is a reversal of the European and UK situ ation. In the UK, HRD is very much the child of the explosion of HRM literature in the 1980s and 1990s. In the introduction to this volume we discuss the emergence of the HRD literature in the form of HRD texts, journals and academic symposia. In addition, the scope of HRD research can be seen to be expanding, with recent focus on areas that were not traditionally considered to be within the domain of HRD. These include organizational leadership, organizational values, workforce development issues at the societal level and labour economics. Multidisciplinary foundations and an expanding scope both have the effect of expanding the discursive resources and therefore language available to and used by HRD academics and practitioners. While acknowledging that HRD is a distinct field of scholarly research and practice in relation to HRM, it has to be acknowledged that the contextual factors in mainland Europe are an important influence upon HRD outcomes. If anything, the UK context is somewhat closer to the US experience, and it is a mistake to assume that the rest of Europe is mirrored in UK practice. So, for example, the historical role and development of HR professionals varies considerably across Europe, as do their career paths (Tyson and Wikander 1994). So, for example, in the UK a strong professional body representing both HRM and HRD practitioners regulates initial training. Elsewhere in Europe this does not happen, and HR professionals can undergo very different training. So, in Germany the extensive legal responsibility of HRM professionals for collective employee relations necessitates a strong legal training, while their counterparts in HRD are more likely to
Monday, October 28, 2019
House Bunny Movie Review Essay Example for Free
House Bunny Movie Review Essay In the film House Bunny, a 27-year-old girl, Shelley Darlingson, played by Anna Farris, finds herself tricked out of the Playboy Mansion by another bunny for being too old. Shelley winds up at the University of Southern California and becomes the house mother in a very poorly kept sorority house, Zeta Tau Alpha, consisting of six socially awkward girls. After gaining the girls’ trust by showing them she is nice and can attract boys, she does her best to turn the ZTA girls around to be popular beautiful young ladies who are ‘better’ than the other sorority girls. However, the changing of personalities goes too far and the girls realize they’ve changed for the wrong reasons and begin to judge everyone. During the time Shelley is being blamed, she receives a call about how ‘being too old’ was a lie to get rid of her. When expecting Shelley to immediately drop everything and return to the Mansion, she decides to stay the hose mother of the Zetas. Using this movie I plan on analyzing the movie through different scenes of the typical activities of the sorority girls on campus and comparing them to how college life is today and what could be done differently. Throughout House Bunny, a constant rival goes on between Phi Iota Mu and Zeta Tau Alpha. When Zeta, a now popular sorority, throws a mixer party the same night as popular PIM, all of the girls going through rush and all of the fraternity boys enjoy their evening at Zeta instead of PIM. Girls are initiated at the party through ‘sacrificial rights’ because they still have their virginity, music is played for everyone to dance to, and everyone enjoys their nights. These girls are focused on looking good now and being popular. Girls are very similar but a little different today. In today’s society in the typical college experience, girls are not initiated in this way and girls do not throw the parties. The girls, instead of throwing their own parties, get all dressed up and head out to other fraternities to listen to music, drink and get together with different guys. Several girls nowadays waste their time and throw away their good morals every weekend, when they coul d be choosing better alternatives such as a staying in for the weekend or at least one night and study or relax with some friends. Time management and studying are two of the hardest strategies to master as a college student. Unfortunately when we have free time we cling to more fun activities at all times and then get caught up later when it is the last possible second to do homework and we realize we should have been working on homework rather than partying. Studying is not the most fun activity nor does it sound better than going out with friends to drink or participate in crazy college activities; however, everyone has to do it eventually and it would just be easier if you studied a little every free moment and then you would have more free time later. You would be more successful if you thought about every possible outcome of each choice clearly before doing anything. In the movie, after the Zeta girls become popular and look prettier, thanks to Shelley, they set up a tent at the involvement fair. All of the students rush towards their tent because they have food, games, and calendars of the girls looking t heir best. The Zetas are getting more involved around the campus, as students should, but through popularity not service. From this popularity the Zetas go downhill from there and turn into the popular rude crowd to those who do not ‘belong.’ The Zeta’s stopped being who they were before Shelley became the house mother, the smart, nerdy, different crowd, and became the jerks who judged people off appearances. When trying to decide on bids for their house, they talked about how they had seen one of the girls before and thought they were weird and shouldn’t be allowed in their house. The Zeta’s stopped focusing on academics and their true personalities and tried to change for the ‘better’ when it was clearly for the worse. Involvement is a key to surviving in college. You should get involved to make new friends, find others like yourself, develop study groups, and stress-reliever outlet clubs. However, when you try to be involved with the rest of the campus through primarily popularity and parties, you are getting ‘involved’ in all of the wrong ways. Instead of changing to be the popular crowd by looking hot and becoming a preppy jerk to ‘fit in,’ just express yourself more and get out in the real world to try and make more meaningful friendships that could last a lifetime. If people could be more accepting and friendly instead of being quick to judge, everyone would have more friends and the world would be a better place. Acceptance is one of the biggest problems especially at a college where if you aren’t accepted you just hide from everyone and get discouraged. Everyone as a whole should work to be more accepting of others for who they are. I am not saying everyone has to like everyone else, but I am saying at least give everyone else a chance to shine and join the group. When a smart nerdy group of socially unaccepted girls get a new playhouse bunny house mother they turn into a stereotypical group of rude sorority girls who just want everyone to be in their house so they can be more popular as long as they are ‘normal.’ If people took the time to accept everyone and give everyone a chance, people would have more friends and not be as nervous to try to make new friends. Getting involved on campus is smart as long as you are getting involved in the right ways with the right group of people so you can make a difference in your community. Getting involved also has advantages, because it can help manage time and studying habits or even study groups. Involvement in the college community is smart so good grades can be attained, meaning better opportunities later. Managing your time and taking the time to study receives full benefits later, as well. College is not easy, especially when coming in as a freshman new to the whole idea of college. However, college can be enjoyed and mastered if you try to get involved, study more, accepts more people for who they are, and manage your time to the best of your ability. Works Cited The House Bunny. Dir. Fred Wolf. By Karen M. Lutz and Kirsten Smith. Perf. Anna Faris, Colin Hanks, Emma Stone, Kat Dennings, Hugh Hefner, and Tyson Ritter. Columbia Pictures, 2008. DVD.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Prevent Terrorism Countries
Prevent Terrorism Countries MEASURES TO DEFEAT TERRORISM In this paper I will discuss measures that can be taken to help prevent terrorism. Though some measures may be seen as extreme, it is often necessary to take drastic steps to keep a country or even the world safe from terrorism. I will also discuss areas in which countries have already enacted provisions to fight terrorism. What major measures can the international community take to prevent terrorism? Do you think the U.S. should follow Israels example of fighting terrorism? Explain in depth. Identify and explain at least three international conventions organized to suppress terrorism. Briefly evaluate the provisions of the U.S. Patriot Act. Briefly discuss the impact of emergency powers on defeating terrorism. The fight against terrorism is not just a fight that the United States is facing alone. This is evident from the Madrid train bombings, the bombings in London, and the terrorist attacks that Israel seems to face everyday. Terrorism is, in effect, international. Each nation has a responsibility to combat terrorism to protect them and to protect other nations as well. In this paper, I will discuss areas in which the international community can fight against terrorism and steps they have already taken in the fight against terrorism. Steps the International Community Can Take to Prevent Terrorism One of the security measures that can be undertaken is that of securing aircraft and airports. Poland cites in his book that between 1973 and 2002, there was an average of ten skyjackings per year. (Poland, 2005, p. 235) This was a number that surprised me due to the fact that it seems like most werent reported or very little coverage was given to the incidences. There are new technologies being developed all the time to aid in securing of air travel. There is new technology in the area of explosive detection devices. One such technology is called microtagging. During this process, tiny chips of microtaggants are blended into explosive substances and color coded to identify the manufacturer and batch of explosives. This system would also be beneficial in the reconstruction of bomb scenes and used to gain knowledge and prepare for future terrorist acts. Another innovative technology is called dielectric analysis. Dielectric analysis is a powerful non-destructive tool for characterizin g materials; it can provide accurate, repeatable results unavailable by other electrical means. (Unknown, 2007) This, in essence, gives the explosive agents a â€Å"fingerprint†and could provide immediate identification of explosive substances at airports. Along with technological advanced in air security, people can often make the biggest impact. In this area, Federal Air Marshals play an important role. This is not something that all countries partake in but more and more countries are adding these individuals to their flights. The airline association estimates that 10 or 20 out of some 115 airlines that fly into the United States already use air marshals. (Lichtblau, 2003) Israel, for instance, has used marshals on El Al flights for years, and as stated, some other countries have followed suit more recently, as Australia announced in 2003 that Qantas Airways would begin placing armed marshals on flights to Singapore. Even Mexico has stated that they would start to use their own air marshals on flights that are going to the United States. However, not all countries and airlines are signed on to the idea. Air France does not use air marshals and the British Air Line Pilots Association said it does not believe that arms belong on aircr aft, and British Airways, the countrys biggest airline, said it reserves the right not to fly if it is forced to add air marshals. Although there is a general feeling among passengers that they would feel safer on a flight if there is an air marshal on board, not everyone believes the passengers would necessarily be safer. The cite that an armed conflict on a plane would become more dangerous to the passengers as opposed to just letting the terrorist state their demands and work with them for the release of passengers. Intelligence is another area that countries can utilize for overall protection. This is not necessarily limited to military types of intelligence. Political intelligence is an important factor to combating terrorism. This can be used to identify where the groups are garnering the most support for their cause. When this has been determined, pressure from other nations can be placed on these states to not support the terrorists. Of course, military intelligence is vital in any operation. The intelligence gathered here can assist in finding out how many are in a particular group, what kinds of weapons they have, and where they are located. Most countries have some form of intelligence like our CIA and it is important that they use it. Yet another form is economic intelligence. Most terrorist organizations are well funded these days. It is important to track the path in which they receive their money. Terrorists may get their money from several different avenues, including: the sale of d rugs, phony charitable organizations; and even other sympathetic nations. So as one can see, intelligence is a very important factor other countries can use to combat terrorism. Israels Fight Against Terrorism Israel has been fighting terrorism for many years, even before they became a nation in 1948. They are surrounded by Muslim nations which historically do not get along with Israelis. This is particularly true of Palestinians. Since Israel is surrounded by so many that wish to do them harm, they have had to take more drastic steps in order to protect themselves. They had become one of the first countries to articulate a deliberate and official policy of retaliation against terrorism. Most nations understand that a nation must fight back in order to protect itself and its interests. Israel on the other hand seems to retaliate in a much more aggressive manner. Such a case was their retaliation against an Arab village in Qibiya, Jordan in 1953. On October 13, 1953, Jordanian terrorists infiltrated the Israeli border and threw a grenade into a house, killing a mother and two children in Tiryat Yehuda. In an effort to prevent further attacks and protect its borders, Israel launched a reprisal raid on Qibiya, a Jordanian town across the border from Tiryat Yehuda. Unit 101, led by then Colonel Ariel Sharon, destroyed 50 homes, killing 69 Jordanian civilians who were hidden inside and had gone unnoticed. (Oreck, 2007) Sharon had stated that he was not aware that civilians were involved but that did not help in the embarrassment that Israel suffered due to the incident. Israelis have also pioneered the area of preemptive strikes against terrorism. This policy is a bit more difficult to convince the international community for its justification. It is one thing to fight back against an attack on your country it is another to strike first to prevent such an attack. But in many cases is necessary to do so. Israel has carried out such attacks such as the bombing of an Iraqi nuclear facility in 1981. It was feared that if Iraq had been able to produce the nuclear bomb, they would use it against Israel. This strike was something of a success story. Israels preemptive strike against Iraq was heartily condemned in Washington and by the United Nations, although privately most governments, even in the Middle East, were pleased to see the setback to Saddam Husseins ambition. Targeted killings are also something that Israel employs to fight terrorism. However, this form of protection has one big drawback. It is often necessary to obtain information from higher ranking individuals within a terrorist organization. Obviously dead men are of no use to obtain information. In September 1999, the Israeli High Court ruled on specific procedures for interrogation and practices in dealing with terrorists or suspected terrorists. Interrogations can only be conducted by the Shin Bet (counter-intelligence and internal security service). The head of the Shin Bet works with the Attorney General very closely to determine how to proceed on specific cases. Targeted killings have to be confirmed by the prime minister in every instance. If there is a change in the plan on a targeted killing, the head of the Shin Bet must go back to the prime minister and have the operation approved once more. (Dicter, Bronfman, Bronfman Byman, 2005) However, if the head of the Shin Bet feel s there is great urgency, he alone can make the decision to take out the suspect. So the question is â€Å"Do I think the United States should employ the Israeli tactics in fighting terrorism?†If that question had been posed ten or fifteen years ago, I may have said no. Today, my answer would be yes, with a caveat. Though it may be difficult, I think we would need other countries to publicly back us to carry out certain missions. In the case of a preemptive strike, our allies must be informed of such action so they are not taken by surprise of the situation. As far as targeted killings, we had better have support in this undertaking or else we are going to look like the aggressors. Case in point, our current situation in the Middle East. Although the United States has a policy against taking out heads of state which President Ford imposed by executive order in 1976, there is nothing to say that we cannot take out leaders of terrorist groups like Osama bin Laden. In the climate we live in today, we had better have all of our options open and on the table if we want to defend ourselves and help prevent future attacks. International Conventions to Suppress Terrorism Throughout the years there have been many policies and conventions used to aid in the fight against terrorism. They are normally backed by the civilized states of the international community. But it seems over time, these policies go by the wayside. In this section, I will look at three of the more recent conventions. The International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 9, 1999, and signed on behalf of the United States of America on January 10, 2000. The Convention is aimed at cutting off the funding that terrorist groups need to operate. This Convention provides an obligation that States Parties criminalize such conduct and establishes an international legal framework for cooperation among States Parties directed toward prevention of such financing and ensuring the prosecution and punishment of offenders, wherever found. In a letter to the Senate in 2000, then President Clinton urged the members to â€Å"give early and favorable consideration to this Convention, subject to the understanding, declaration and reservation that are described in the accompanying report of the Department of State.†(Clinton, 2000) Even before 9/11 it was apparent that funding for terrorists needed to be addressed. Another convention, the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing was adopted in 1997. This convention â€Å"created a regime of universal jurisdiction over the unlawful and intentional use of explosives and other lethal devices in, into, or against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place†. (United Nations, 1997) It is similar to other conventions in that it requires parties to extradite or submit for prosecution persons accused of committing or aiding in the commission of such offenses. Lastly, the Convention on the Making of Plastic Explosives for the purpose of Detection was ratified by the United Nations in 1991. The members of the U.N. were concerned that plastic explosives had been used for such terrorist acts in the past and could be again in the future and wanted to do something about it. This Convention was aimed at deterring such unlawful acts of the use of plastic explosives because they felt there was a need for an international mandate for States to adopt appropriate measures to ensure that plastic explosives are marked. Provisions of the U.S. Patriot Act The Patriot Act has ten different provisions that outline the United States governments war on terrorism. These provisions impact the war on terrorism in different ways. Some of the provisions deal with rights and responsibilities; others provide areas in which terrorism can be fought. I will discuss, in brief, each of the ten provisions. The first title is for the enhancement of domestic security and provides for funding and information gathering. It also prohibits the discrimination against Muslim Americans. Title II is probably the most controversial of all the provisions. It is here where the perceived infringement on civil liberties takes place. This provision reshapes the way the federal government can collect information. The FBI can seize materials from private citizens when it believes national security is at stake and then get permission from courts to do so afterwards. The third title involves the area of money laundering and the financing of terrorist organizations. Title IV increases border patrols and mandates the detention of suspected terrorists. The fifth title deals with removing obstacles in the investigation of terrorism and addresses the capture and prosecution of terrorists. Title number six provides aid to the families of Public Safety Officers who were injured or killed in terrorist attacks, an d amends the Victims of Crime Act of 1984. Number seven supports the sharing of information by federal law enforcement agencies. This would have been very useful pre-9/11. Title VIII strengthens criminal laws against terrorism, defines domestic terrorism, and expands biological weapons statutes. The ninth provision provides that intelligence information sharing from foreign agencies. The information derived from electronic surveillance or physical searches is disseminated for efficient and effective foreign intelligence purposes. The last title is kind of a catchall and is listed as miscellaneous. It contains 16 sections that do not fall under other titles in the act. Impact of Emergency Powers on Defeating Terrorism Many nations have forms of so called, â€Å"Emergency Powers†. Some countries call it â€Å"State of Exception†, â€Å"Special Powers†, or â€Å"Terrorist Affected†. No matter what a country may call their emergency powers, extreme circumstances may exist in which the security of the country in needed and these powers allow for authorities to stop, search, question and detain individuals suspected of terrorist involvement. There have been emergency powers used even before the United States was formed. Between 1775 and 1781, the Continental Congress passed a series of acts and resolves which count as the first expressions of emergency authority. These instruments dealt almost exclusively with the prosecution of the Revolutionary War. (Relyea, 2006) The President of the United States has available certain powers that may be exercised in the event that the nation is threatened by crisis, exigency, or emergency circumstances (other than natural disasters, war, or near-war situations). The acts of terrorism are ever-changing. It is important that countries are able to react (or in some cases become proactive) to situations as they arise. How well can a country be protected if their leaders cannot make a quick decision on the information they have been provided. In this, emergency powers are essential in both the war on terror and defeating terrorism. References Clinton, W. J. (2000, October 12). The White House Office of the Press Secretary (, Ed.) (Intelligence). Retrieved March 29, 2007, from Dicter, A., Bronfman, C., Bronfman, A., Byman, D. (2005, December, 8). Fighting Islamist Terrorists. Retrieved March 29, 2007, from Lichtblau, E. (2003, December 30). U.S. says it will force countries to arm flights. San Francisco Chronicle, A/1. Retrieved March 29, 2007, from Oreck, A. (2007, N/A). Qibya. Jewish Virtual Library, The Library. Retrieved March 29, 2007, from Poland, J. M. (2005). Understanding Terrorism: Groups, Strategies, and Responses. Sacramento, CA: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Relyea, H. C. (2006, November 13). National Emergency Powers. In CRS Report for Congress. Congress. Retrieved March 29, 2007, from United Nations. (1997, N/A). Conventions Against Terrorism. Retrieved March 29, 2007, from United Nations: Unknown. (2007, N/A). Materials. Retrieved March 29, 2007, from Solortron Analytical:
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Those Who Desecrate the American Flag Need Not be Punished :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays
Those Who Desecrate the American Flag Need Not be Punished In reality, flags are just fibers and dye. The fact is, like all symbols, it is not necessarily the fabric or the picture which provokes so much emotion in people. It’s the intangible idea that it represents. Controversy continually circles around symbols and how they are treated, respected, and destroyed. The flag of the United States of America is one such symbol that many associate with freedom; however, to others it carries greater political importance. Adding chaos to controversy, do we as a nation punish those who deny the symbol that gives them freedom to destroy it in the first place? Should the constitution be amended to prohibit the desecration of the flag? The measure is not how we treat those who support our government, but how we treat those who oppose it. Society constantly struggles to keep our Constitution broad enough to protect the rights of Americans, yet create a positive compass by which to live. The problem, however, is that by conforming to specific moral beliefs, such as desecration of the flag, we begin to create the environment much like the one George Orwell established in Animal Farm. In his book, the farm animals at first agree that all animals have equal rights. However, as the book develops, one powerful group manipulates these rights, the pigs . The slogan â€Å" All animals are equal†eventually becomes â€Å"more equal than others†. Just like the animals of the farm, our forefathers constructed a government that could please all people rights. Our forefathers know that if the Constitution were to survive, it must possess the ability to change and adapt to coming ages. To amend the constitution means that it doesn’t support all Americans and their beliefs. However, I don’t feel that our Constitution needs amending at all. Burning the American Flag is an act of speech which fosters Democracy. Without the freedom to destroy the flag and act out in disapproval, we as a countrymen would live single-mindedly.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Modern Interpretation of The First Amendment Essay -- essays papers
Modern Interpretation of The First Amendment The first Amendment of the United States Constitution says; â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.†[1] Our fore fathers felt that this statement was plain enough for all to understand, however quite often the United States government deems it necessary to make laws to better define those rights that are stated in the Constitution. Today the framers would be both encouraged and discouraged by our modern interpretation the First Amendment the United States Constitution. A great deal of bills have been written and passed as legislation under the pretense that they would better outline the citizen’ rights and ensure their freedoms. Yet occasionally these laws are created with disregard to what is stated in our Constitution. At times they distort and twist the original meaning of the work, counter acting the purpose of creating the Amendments. The intention of Amendments was to be an outline of the rights of the people. They were to ensure that there would not be a repeat of what the framers had experienced when they set out on their mission to draft a document that would govern our country for years to come. Little by little our elected officials have been discounting our Constitution. There are many resulting repercussions; the most dear to everyone being the individuals rights. The end result of these interpretations being that our people are hurt, as we are slowly being stripped of our rights as U.S. citizens. There are two freedoms that seem to cause the most contention, the first being freedom of press and the second being the freedom of religion. â€Å" It remains to be noted that none of the great constitutional rights of conscience, however vital to a free society is absolute in character. Thus, while the constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion goes a long way, it does not serve to protect acts judged to be morally licentious, such as poly amorous marriages. Children cannot be required to execute the flag salute which is forbidden by religious belief†¦ Similarly freedom of speech, often defended by the courts, does not extend to the seditious utteran... ... Through the years many changes have taken place, and technologies have been discovered, yet our Constitution remains. Some say that the Constitution was written for people hundreds of years ago, and in turn is out of step with the times. Yet its principals and guidelines have held thus far. The framers would be pleases that their great planning and thought have been implemented up until this point. However this does not compensate for the fact, that the we the people have empowered the government more so than our fore fathers had intended. Citizens were entrusted with the duty to oversee the government, yet so many times they are disinterested and only seem to have an opinion when the government’s implications affect them. As time has changed so has the American people, we often interpret our freedoms in a self serving manner, disregarding the good of the whole and also the good for the future. Thus there are no true flaws in the Constitution, it appears that the confli ct emerges in the individual and their self, and poses question when we must decide when to compromise the morals that our Constitution was founded on, or when to stick to what we know is right and honest.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Sophies World Outline
Chapter 4: The Natural Philosophers Charles Williams Madison Smith Anisha Jagannthan introduction: The idea that nothing can come from nothing is introduced. Sophie questions whether all things come from a basic element. She learned that things in nature are in a constant state of transformation. Is there a beginning of everything? What do you believe it to be? introduction: The idea that nothing can come from nothing is introduced. Sophie questions whether all things come from a basic element. She learned that things in nature are in a constant state of transformation. Is there a beginning of everything? What do you believe it to be? Yanotan Zelink I. event one A. Sophie receives a letter containing three new questions. Which she contemplates an entire day before getting another packet with a letter explaining to her that the philosophy course will be going from ancient Greek philosophy up to present day philosophy. B. She learns that the ancient Greeks believed the world was eternal. The earliest Greek Philosophers are sometimes called natural philosophers because they were mainly concerned with the natural world and its processes†(30). So, they never asked about where it came from. Instead they were interested in the question of change. C. The Tao of Physics II. event two A. The debate â€Å"what are we made of? †is raised. Early philosophers shared a belief that there had to be a certain basic substance at the root of all change. B. While some natural phi losophers believed that everything was made of water, others believed they were made of air. Earth, air, and fire were all necessary the creation of life†(33). C. Human-Aesthetic Perfection Song & Lyrics III. event three A. All Things Flow- â€Å"Everything is in constant flux and movement, nothing is abiding. Therefore we ‘cannot step twice into the river. ’†(34)- Heraclitus B. Heraclitus states the world is made of opposites- we would not appreciate one thing if we did not experience the other. C. A Healthy Transformation by Dr. Jeffery McCombs IV. conclusion A. As Sophie thinks about all of this, she concludes that one cannot learn philosophy. They can only learn how to think like a philosopher. V. journal questions A. If you were to come up with your own philosophy about life and what we’re made of, what would it be? Explain your philosophy. B. Other than physical aspects of a human, such as bones or basic elements, what would you say humans are made of emotionally or philosophically? Why? C. If there was only good in the world and no bad, how would it be and how would the outcome affect the world?
The Kiss: a Descriptive Essay
Musee Rodin described Auguste Rodin as the most remarkable sculptor in his time, where he seemingly made flesh out of marble. He was born in Paris on November 12, 1884 and known for creating â€Å"The Age of Bronze†, †The Gates of Hell†, â€Å"The Burghers of Calais†, â€Å"The Thinker†, â€Å"The Kiss†and many other more (biography. com). According to his biography, Rodin created â€Å"The Gates of Hell†as a commissioned entrance piece for a â€Å"never built†planned museum; it featured the sculpted figures of â€Å"The Thinker†(1880) and â€Å"The Kiss†(1886). The Kiss†was originally part of the Gates of Hell inspired by a literature source; however, it was removed due to the positive state of eroticism and iconic image of love (artble. com). Rodin died on November 17, 1917 in Meudon, France and was still working on â€Å"The Gates of Hell†(biography. com) The intimate characterizations of the l overs in Rodin’s work were originally made out of stone and were reproduced in marble and bronze (artble. com). It gave emphasis to size standing 5’ 11 ? (Frank 52), giving the impression of a more realistic view for the viewers; figures positioned in a way that he carved the arms around each other and intricately highlighting his theme of the lovers’ first kiss. The figures being made out of stone, Rodin made the figures skin- smooth, in contrast of the roughness of the stone they were sitting on. Although, observing his work from a photograph, different angled pictures of Rodin’s work undeniably still relayed the concept and emotion the first time you see the sculpture.Rodin’s intricate design demonstrated his skill as an artist; he depicted the emotional and symbolic content of having that first kiss. Rodin carved the figures’ intimate embrace and passionate kiss that displayed their true love, despite the tragedy that befell on them; it was ingeniously molded that the emotion involved was felt by the audience. Rodin’s expectations for the public’s reaction as he captured the moment that made his work marvelous; he created a masterpiece that was romantic and sensual, although the figures were nude it was never sexually concentrated (artble. om). The Kiss’s, also known as the Francesca da Rimini, main inspiration was based on the story from Dante’s Divine Comedy, which depicted the forbidden love of Paolo Malatesta to his sister-in-law Francesca da Rimini, who had an affair 13th century Italy. When Francesca’s husband, Giovanni, caught them as they were having their first kiss, he swiftly stabbed the sinful lovers that led to their tragic death. The couple was true to life figures that Dante met in his lifetime (artble. com; musee-rodin. r). REFERENCE: â€Å"Auguste Rodin. †Bio. The Biography Channel website. n. d. Web. 10 Feb 2013. â€Å"The Kiss. †Artble. n. p. n. d. Web. 09 Feb. 2013. â€Å"The Kiss. †Musee Rodin. Musee Rodin, n. d. Web. 09 Feb. 2013. < http://www. musee-rodin. fr/en/collections/sculptures/kiss > Frank, Patrick. Preble’s Artforms. 10th ed. New Jersey: Pearson, 2011. 52. Print
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Vampire Academy Chapter 13
THIRTEEN THE AFTERMATH OF JESSE AND Ralf's lies was about as horrible as I'd expected. The only way I survived was by putting blinders on, by ignoring everyone and everything. It kept me sane – barely – but I hated it. I felt like crying all the time. I lost my appetite and didn't sleep well. Yet, no matter how bad it got for me, I didn't worry about myself as much as I did Lissa. She stood by her promise to change things. It was slow at first, but gradually, I would see a royal or two come up to her at lunch or in class and say hello. She'd turn on a brilliant smile, laughing and talking to them like they were all best friends. At first, I didn't understand how she was pulling it off. She'd told me she would use compulsion to win the other royals over and turn them against Mia. But I didn't see it happening. It was possible, of course, that she was winning people over without compulsion. After all, she was funny, smart, and nice. Anyone would like her. Something told me she wasn't winning friends the old-fashioned way, and I finally figured it out. She was using compulsion when I wasn't around. I only saw her for a small part of the day, and since she knew I didn't approve, she only worked her power when I was away. After a few days of this secret compulsion, I knew what I needed to do: I had to get back in her head again. By choice. I'd done it before; I could do it again. At least, that's what I told myself, sitting and spacing out in Stan's class one day. But it wasn't as easy as I'd thought it would be, partly because I felt too keyed up to relax and open myself to her thoughts. I also had trouble because I picked a time when she felt relatively calm. She came through the â€Å"loudest†when her emotions were running strong. Still, I tried to do what I'd done before, back when I'd spied on her and Christian. The meditation thing. Slow breathing. Eyes closed. Mental focus like that still wasn't easy for me, but at long last I managed the transition, slipping into her head and experiencing the world as hers. She stood in her American lit class, during project-work time, but, like most of the students, she wasn't working. She and Camille Conta leaned against a wall on the far side of the room, talking in hushed voices. â€Å"It's gross,†said Camille firmly, a frown crossing her pretty face. She had on a blue skirt made of velvet-like fabric, short enough to show off her long legs and possibly raise eyes about the dress code. â€Å"If you guys were doing it, I'm not surprised she got addicted and did it with Jesse.†â€Å"She didn't do it with Jesse,†insisted Lissa. â€Å"And it's not like we had sex. We just didn't have any feeders, that's all.†Lissa focused her full attention on Camille and smiled. â€Å"It's no big deal. Everyone's overreacting.†Camille looked like she seriously doubted this, and then, the more she stared at Lissa, the more unfocused her eyes became. A blank look fell over her. â€Å"Right?†asked Lissa, voice like silk. â€Å"It's not a big deal.†The frown returned. Camille tried to shake the compulsion. That fact that it'd even gotten this far was incredible. As Christian had observed, using it on Moroi was unheard of. Camille, although strong-willed, lost the battle. â€Å"Yeah,†she said slowly. â€Å"It's really not that big a deal.†â€Å"And Jesse's lying.†She nodded. â€Å"Definitely lying.†A mental strain burned inside of Lissa as she held onto the compulsion. It took a lot of effort, and she wasn't finished. â€Å"What are you guys doing tonight?†â€Å"Carly and I are going to study for Mattheson's test in her room.†â€Å"Invite me.†Camille thought about it. â€Å"Hey, you want to study with us?†â€Å"Sure,†said Lissa, smiling at her. Camille smiled back. Lissa dropped the compulsion, and a wave of dizziness swept over her. She felt weak. Camille glanced around, momentarily surprised, then shook off the weirdness. â€Å"See you after dinner then.†â€Å"See you,†murmured Lissa, watching her walk away. When Camille was gone, Lissa reached up to tie her hair up in a ponytail. Her fingers couldn't quite get all the hair through, and suddenly, another pair of hands caught hold and helped her. She spun around and found herself staring into Christian's ice-blue eyes. She jerked away from him. â€Å"Don't do that!†she exclaimed, shivering at the realization that it had been his fingers touching her. He gave her his lazy, slightly twisted smile and brushed a few pieces of unruly black hair out of his face. â€Å"Are you asking me or ordering me?†â€Å"Shut up.†She glanced around, both to avoid his eyes and make sure no one saw them together. â€Å"What's the matter? Worried about what your slaves'll think if they see you talking to me?†â€Å"They're my friends,†she retorted. â€Å"Oh. Right. Of course they are. I mean, from what I saw, Camille would probably do anything for you, right? Friends till the end.†He crossed his arms over his chest, and in spite of her anger, she couldn't help but notice how the silvery gray of his shirt set off his black hair and blue eyes. â€Å"At least she isn't like you. She doesn't pretend to be my friend one day and then ignore me for no reason.†An uncertain look flickered across his features. Tension and anger had built up between them in the last week, ever since I'd yelled at Christian after the royal reception. Believing what I'd told him, Christian had stopped talking to her and had treated her rudely every time she'd tried to start a conversation. Now, hurt and confused, she'd given up attempts at being nice. The situation just kept getting worse and worse. Looking out through Lissa's eyes, I could see that he still cared about her and still wanted her. His pride had been hurt, however, and he wasn't about to show weakness. â€Å"Yeah?†he said in a low, cruel voice. â€Å"I thought that was the way all royals were supposed to act. You certainly seem to be doing a good job with it. Or maybe you're just using compulsion on me to make me think you're a two-faced bitch. Maybe you really aren't. But I doubt it.†Lissa flushed at the word compulsion – and cast another worried look around – but decided not to give him the satisfaction of arguing anymore. She simply gave him one last glare before storming off to join a group of royals huddled over an assignment Returning to myself, I stared blankly around the classroom, processing what I'd seen. Some tiny, tiny part of me was starting to feel sorry for Christian. It was only a tiny part, though, and very easy to ignore. At the beginning of the next day, I headed out to meet Dimitri. These practices were my favorite part of the day now, partly because of my stupid crush on him and partly because I didn't have to be around the others. He and I started with running as usual, and he ran with me, quiet and almost gentle in his instructions, probably worried about causing some sort of breakdown. He knew about the rumors somehow, but he never mentioned them. When we finished, he led me through an offensive exercise where I could use any makeshift weapons I could find to attack him. To my surprise, I managed to land a few blows on him, although they seemed to do me more damage than him. The impacts always made me stagger back, but he never budged. It still didn't stop me from attacking and attacking, fighting with an almost blind rage. I didn't know who I really fought in those moments: Mia or Jesse or Ralf. Maybe all of them. Dimitri finally called a break. We carried the equipment we'd used on the field and returned everything to the supply room. While putting it away, he glanced at me and did a double take. â€Å"Your hands.†He swore in Russian. I could recognize it by now, but he refused to teach me what any of it meant. â€Å"Where are your gloves?†I looked down at my hands. They'd suffered for weeks, and today had only made them worse. The cold had turned the skin raw and chapped, and some parts were actually bleeding a little. My blisters swelled. â€Å"Don't have any. Never needed them in Portland.†He swore again and beckoned me to a chair while he retrieved a first-aid kit. Wiping away the blood with a wet cloth, he told me gruffly, â€Å"We'll get you some.†I looked down at my destroyed hands as he worked. â€Å"This is only the start, isn't it?†â€Å"Of what?†â€Å"Me. Turning into Alberta. Her†¦and all the other female guardians. They're all leathery and stuff. Fighting and training and always being outdoors – they aren't pretty anymore.†I paused. â€Å"This†¦this life. It destroys them. Their looks, I mean.†He hesitated for a moment and looked up from my hands. Those warm brown eyes surveyed me, and something tightened in my chest. Damn it. I had to stop feeling this way around him. â€Å"It won't happen to you. You're too†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He groped for the right word, and I mentally substituted all sorts of possibilities. Goddess-like. Scorchingly sexy. Giving up, he simply said, â€Å"It won't happen to you.†He turned his attention back to my hands. Did he†¦did he think I was pretty? I never doubted the reaction I caused among guys my own age, but with him, I didn't know. The tightening in my chest increased. â€Å"It happened to my mom. She used to be beautiful. I guess she still is, sort of. But not the way she used to be.†Bitterly, I added, â€Å"Haven't seen her in a while. She could look completely different for all I know.†â€Å"You don't like your mother,†he observed. â€Å"You noticed that, huh?†â€Å"You barely know her.†â€Å"That's the point. She abandoned me. She left me to be raised by the Academy.†When he finished cleaning my open wounds, he found a jar of salve and began rubbing it into the rough parts of my skin. I sort of got lost in the feel of his hands massaging mine. â€Å"You say that†¦but what else should she have done? I know you want to be a guardian. I know how much it means to you. Do you think she feels any differently? Do you think she should have quit to raise you when you'd spend most of your life here anyway?†I didn't like having reasonable arguments thrown at me. â€Å"Are you saying I'm a hypocrite?†â€Å"I'm just saying maybe you shouldn't be so hard on her. She's a very respected dhampir woman. She's set you on the path to be the same.†â€Å"It wouldn't kill her to visit more,†I muttered. â€Å"But I guess you're right. A little. It could have been worse, I suppose. I could have been raised with blood whores.†Dimitri looked up. â€Å"I was raised in a dhampir commune. They aren't as bad as you think.†â€Å"Oh.†I suddenly felt stupid. â€Å"I didn't mean – â€Å" â€Å"It's all right.†He focused his attention back on my hands. â€Å"So, did you, like, have family there? Grow up with them?†He nodded. â€Å"My mother and two sisters. I didn't see them much after I went to school, but we still keep in touch. Mostly, the communities are about family. There's a lot of love there, no matter what stories you've heard.†My bitterness returned, and I glanced down to hide my glare. Dimitri had had a happier family life with his disgraced mother and relatives than I'd had with my â€Å"respected†guardian mother. He most certainly knew his mother better than I knew mine. â€Å"Yeah, but†¦isn't it weird? Aren't there a lot of Moroi men visiting to, you know?†¦Ã¢â‚¬ His hands rubbed circles into mine. â€Å"Sometimes.†There was something dangerous in his tone, something that told me this was an unwelcome topic. â€Å"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up something bad†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Actually†¦you probably wouldn't think it's bad,†he said after almost a minute had passed. A tight smile formed on his lips. â€Å"You don't know your father, do you?†I shook my head. â€Å"No. All I know is he must have had wicked cool hair.†Dimitri glanced up, and his eyes swept me. â€Å"Yes. He must have.†Returning to my hands, he said carefully, â€Å"I knew mine.†I froze. â€Å"Really? Most Moroi guys don't stay – I mean, some do, but you know, usually they just – â€Å" â€Å"Well, he liked my mother.†He didn't say â€Å"liked†in a nice way. â€Å"And he visited her a lot. He's my sisters' father too. But when he came†¦well, he didn't treat my mother very well. He did some horrible things.†â€Å"Like†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I hesitated. This was Dimitri's mother we were talking about. I didn't know how far I could go. â€Å"Blood-whore things?†â€Å"Like beating-her-up kinds of things,†he replied flatly. He'd finished the bandages but was still holding my hands. I don't even know if he noticed. I certainly did. His were warm and large, with long and graceful fingers. Fingers that might have played the piano in another life. â€Å"Oh God,†I said. How horrible. I tightened my hands in his. He squeezed back. â€Å"That's horrible. And she†¦she just let it happen?†â€Å"She did.†The corner of his mouth turned up into a sly, sad smile. â€Å"But I didn't.†Excitement surged through me. â€Å"Tell me, tell me you beat the crap out of him.†His smile grew. â€Å"I did.†â€Å"Wow.†I hadn't thought Dimitri could be any cooler, but I was wrong. â€Å"You beat up your dad. I mean, that's really horrible†¦what happened. But, wow. You really are a god.†He blinked. â€Å"What?†â€Å"Uh, nothing.†Hastily, I tried to change the subject. â€Å"How old were you?†He still seemed to be puzzling out the god comment. â€Å"Thirteen.†Whoa. Definitely a god. â€Å"You beat up your dad when you were thirteen?†â€Å"It wasn't that hard. I was stronger than he was, almost as tall. I couldn't let him keep doing that. He had to learn that being royal and Moroi doesn't mean you can do anything you want to other people – even blood whores.†I stared. I couldn't believe he'd just said that about his mother. â€Å"I'm sorry.†â€Å"It's all right.†Pieces clicked into place for me. â€Å"That's why you got so upset about Jesse, isn't it? He was another royal, trying to take advantage of a dhampir girl.†Dimitri averted his eyes. â€Å"I got upset over that for a lot of reasons. After all, you were breaking the rules, and†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He didn't finish, but he looked back into my eyes in a way that made warmth build between us. Thinking about Jesse soon darkened my mood, unfortunately. I looked down. â€Å"I know you heard what people are saying, that I – â€Å" â€Å"I know it's not true,†he interrupted. His immediate, certain answer surprised me, and I stupidly found myself questioning it. â€Å"Yeah, but how do you – â€Å" â€Å"Because I know you,†he replied firmly. â€Å"I know your character. I know you're going to be a great guardian.†His confidence made that warm feeling return. â€Å"I'm glad someone does. Everyone else thinks I'm totally irresponsible.†â€Å"With the way you worry more about Lissa than yourself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He shook his head. â€Å"No. You understand your responsibilities better than guardians twice your age. You'll do what you have to do to succeed.†I thought about that. â€Å"I don't know if I can do everything I have to do.†He did that cool one-eyebrow thing. â€Å"I don't want to cut my hair,†I explained. He looked puzzled. â€Å"You don't have to cut your hair. It's not required.†â€Å"All the other guardian women do. They show off their tattoos.†Unexpectedly, he released my hands and leaned forward. Slowly, he reached out and held a lock of my hair, twisting it around one finger thoughtfully. I froze, and for a moment, there was nothing going on in the world except him touching my hair. He let my hair go, looking a little surprised – and embarrassed – at what he'd done. â€Å"Don't cut it,†he said gruffly. Somehow, I remembered how to talk again. â€Å"But no one'll see my tattoos if I don't.†He moved toward the doorway, a small smile playing over his lips. â€Å"Wear it up.â€
12 Angry Men Questions Essay
1. Do you think that the jury in this movie came to the right decision? Why/why not? I think that the jury in this movie came to the wrong decision, because I feel that all throughout the deliberation the factual evidence did not have any reasonable doubt lingering above it, which was the complete opposite of the opinion of juror 8, and gradually everyone else. While there was factual evidence presented, juror 8 persuaded all the rest of the jurors at the end to disregard the forensics, and to deduce their own theories, by blatantly stating â€Å"what if†questions persuading all jurors to a unanimous decision. 2. Did your opinion of the case change as the movie progressed, or did it stay the same throughout the entire movie? Explain. My opinion of the case changed as the movie progressed, and did not stay the same throughout the entire movie. In the beginning I felt that the teenage boy was guilty and that the facts were too evident and clear, but slowly I was so fascinated by juror 8’s logic and his thinking ability, it got me interested and swayed my vote for â€Å"not guilty†I also believed what juror 8 was saying by his tone of voice, which was clear and rhetorical. He showed the panel a rough estimate on how long it would take for the father to get stabbed, walk with a limp, and still call for help. 3. Juror 8 made the statement, â€Å"Prejudice obscures the truth.†Which character(s) based their decisions on prejudice? Explain. Juror 10 is one of the most racist and prejudice of the all the jurors a quote to show this is â€Å"Now you’re not going to tell us that we’re supposed to believe that kid, knowing what he is. Listen, I’ve lived among ‘em all my life. You can’t believe a word they say. I mean, they’re born liars.†When he says this he means/believes that people are born in slums are born to live lives of crime and disseat, even thou juror 5 was born and lived in a slum all his life he is a perfectly respectable man. This proves that juror 10 was wrong and people born in slums aren’t born to lie and commit crime. 4. Why do you think Juror 3 held out so long before changing his mind at the end? Juror 3 is the last to change his mind because of his grudge against kids; this grudge between him and his son had stemmed from a fight and immediately his son left home and has never seen him in more than two years. Ever since that incident juror 3 has had a personal dislike against kids which is evident when juror 3 says â€Å"‘that goddamn rotten kid, I know him, what they’re like. What they do to you. How they kill you every day. My God, don’t you see? How come I’m the only one who sees? Jeez, I can feel that knife going in.’†This proves that juror 3 thinks he knows every kid in the whole world and knows that they are disrespectful and unthankful. But by the end of deliberation when he was the lone man voting guilty, he was overwhelmed with pressure by the jurors and his bottled feelings for his son that instantly come out, realizing that he cannot treat the teenage boy like his son, and thus treat him fairly. 5. Did this movie provide an accurate depiction of jury deliberation? Explain. The deliberation was for pure entertainment but also great acting was presented by the jurors as they showed the atmosphere in a deliberation room, as the testimony of many jurors in real life explain that they are very anxious to leave and would like to quickly go home, who may listen to a case for days. Such jurors like juror three took notes and noted evidence and factual information, though it is very uncommon for jurors to take notes, it is legal and shows that some can remember while other are better to write things down. But one scene that rang an alarm for me is when juror 8 brought out the similar knife used in the crime scene, to show â€Å"that anyone could have put a knife at the crime scene.†He should have been kicked off the jury the moment he went out and bought the knife. By law, juries are not allowed to conduct their own investigations, and if the other jurors had just reported Ju ror No. 8 for that, he’d have been replaced by an alternate. Yes, it’s cool for characters in a movie to take the law into their own hands. In real life, you like to leave tasks like that to the people who have years of training and law enforcement experience. Even with that, Juror No. 8’s whole line of reasoning is wrong at almost every step. According to the law, it’s the jury’s job to determine the veracity of the evidence presented, as is  not to question and interpret the evidence any way they choose and make wild assumptions about witnesses. For instance, you don’t just dismiss blood evidence as â€Å"probably planted†unless you are presented with evidence that it has been planted. Likewise, you can’t just hand-wave away jury testimony based on, â€Å"There were indents on her nose.†6. Rotten Tomatoes gave this movie a 100% rating. Are you surprised? Was this warranted? I am not surprised that Rotten Tomatoes gave this movie 100% rating; it is a very unique movie that has only 12 characters and one setting, which captures a complex-riddled dialogue using rhetorical, logical, metaphorical schemes and a bundle of jaw-dropping acting by Henry Fonda. But in my opinion, I would rate this movie a 92% rating because though we learned in law class on the responsibilities and process in jury duty and deliberation many scenes would depict the opposite which caught my attention, but I understand that some parts were made to capture the audience’s attention throughout the movie, which indeed they did and had to tweak the truth.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
buy custom Aristotle and Plato essay
buy custom Aristotle and Plato essay The assertions of the two philosophers are very relevant to todays society. These philosophies would do a lot in guiding and educating Americans with regard to the issue of consumerism. Some people might, however, argue that these ideas need to be refined or even provide counter arguments to the assertions of the two philosophers. The Aristotelian philosophy with regard to pleasure and happiness would consider consumerism to be negative, if undertaken without a consideration of resultant effects (Chase and Aristotle 160-165). While this is a very valid argument and would result in happiness in the long term, human beings are given to flights of fancy. This theory of human beings is taking into account antecedent factors before engaging in pleasure would go against human nature. Human nature in some instances derives a lot of pleasure from a freedom of acting without restrictions such as thinking of consequences. Some people would also argue that Aristotle in arguing for a scenario in which people opt for pleasures that are more beneficial fails to take into account the psychological nature of human beings. Some issues such as pleasure and happiness are in some instances the function of peer pressure as opposed to logic and reason. Since human nature is given to fickleness resulting in the joneses syndrome, it is impractical to expect logical reasoning in the issue of consumerism. Platos philosophy of happiness and pleasure would also be subject to criticism by scholars. Some scholars would deem the notion of extreme action put forth by Plato to be incomplete. They would put forth that the notion of extreme and acceptable action is a matter of societal conception and hence Plato in arguing for adherence to the median measures of ethics is wrong. Actions are subject to differences in culture which would consider actions acceptable and unacceptable in different levels. Some people would also consider the insistence on logic and reasoning in purchasing to be unattainable since they have differences in their ways of thinking. What may seem logical and reasonable to one person, will be considered illogical by another. The assertion that there needs to be a balance between reason and pleasure fails to take into consideration that the idea of perfect balance is impossible. More realist position would involve either more of pleasure or more of logic. A combination lea ding to more of either component would thus lead to an imperfect state of harmony which is the normal state of events. Buy custom Aristotle and Plato essay
buy custom Flat Feet essay
buy custom Flat Feet essay The foot is an automatic structure divided into three parts which comprose of the forefoot, the mid foot and the hind foot respectively. The heel is part of the hind foot. The mid foot forms the foot arches, which absorb vibration in the foot. The midfoot is joining the forefoot and the hind-foot. The forefoot contains five toes at the front of the foot. The mid-foot has a transverse arch and two longitudinal arches called the medial longitudinal arch and the lateral transverse arch. The arches of the foot are connected to the forefoot and the heel bone of the hind-foot. The medial longitudinal arch forms a curve with the ground and rises a little from the ground. The foots lateral longitudinal arch is placed at a much lower position than the lateral longitudinal; therefore, the longitudinal is closer to the ground. The arches move aiding walking and running as the movement makes the arches absorb shock (France, Diane 1). The divisions of the feet are the normal feet and the flat fee t. The aim of this paper is to give the comparison of the flat feet and the normal foot. Normal feet are the kind of feet that has a gap under the feet when one is staning, that is, arch of the foot is forms a curve with the ground. Flat foot is a medical condition where the arch of the foot falls and is nearly in contact with the ground or is actually in contact with the ground. Flat feet are extremely common in children due to the fat covering the developing arches. Flat foot can be either a flexible flat foot or a rigid flat foot. Flexible flat foot is the condition where the foot seems flat when one is standing but an arch is present when one stands on heels. In the case of flexible flat feet, the medial longitudinal arch is intact and the arch has not fallen entirely. The condition of a flexible flat foot can be easily be rectified through exercises. In the case of a rigid flat foot, the medial longitudinal arch is entirely absent (Aetna 14). Flat foot is associated with pain in the ankle, the general leg, the knee, the arch and the calf. In contrast, people with the normal foot don not experience pain in areas where their counterparts with the flat feet experience pain. Flat feet may also cause swelling of the ankle. People with flat foot also tend to walk oddly and clumsily and fatigue much faster than those with the normal foot. Other problem aassociated with the flat foot is the shoes of those with the flat teeth tend to wear faster than the shoes of their counterparts with the normal foot. Flat foot is associated with over-pronation. Pronation is the mechanism of absorbing shock when one is walking or running. The mechanism involves the foot rolling inwardly when a person walks or runs. Over-pronation involves too much of the inward rolling which causes the shock absorbed from running to be distributed unevenly in the foot. Pronation involves most of the toes while over-pronation involves involved two toes. People with the normal feet experience normal pronation, which is helpful in absorbing shock. People with flat foot experience over-pronation, which brings other complications. Complications of over-pronation include the knee injury and the foot. Conclusion People have either normal feet or the flat feet. Normal foot has the raised arch and the flat foot is where the arch is in close contact with the ground. The flat feet can be either flexible or rigid where the flexible flat foot is reversible by performing basic foot exercises. Buy custom Flat Feet essay
Monday, October 21, 2019
Carpenter Bees and How to Get Rid of Them
Carpenter Bees and How to Get Rid of Them Carpenter bees can be a real nuisance. They resemble large bumblebees and can be found buzzing around dwellings and other structures where they like to build their nests. Every year, they cause millions of dollars in damage to dwellings by tunneling into decks, porches, and other wood structures. They can also be aggressive, especially during mating season, and will fly very close to human beings and even bump into them. Fortunately, they rarely if ever sting people and their nests can be removed. Carpenter Bee Basics There are several species of carpenter bee in the United States, but the most common one is the Virginia carpenter bee (Xylocopa virginica). These bugs are found throughout the Southeast but range as far as Connecticut to the north and Texas in the west. Carpenter bees range in size from about 5/8 of an inch to 1 inch and look very similar to bumblebees, but theyre not the same. Bumblebees (genus Bombus) nest in the ground, usually in abandoned rodent nests, and live in social communities. Carpenter bees (genus Xylocopa) are solitary bees that burrow into wood. You can differentiate the two by examining the dorsal (upper) side of the abdomen. If its shiny and hairless, its a carpenter bee. A bumblebee, by contrast, has a hairy abdomen. Both are considered beneficial insects because they are excellent plant pollinators. Therefore, you should avoid eliminating these insects unless absolutely necessary. Carpenter bees usually live for about one year. Each new generation is hatched in the late summer, emerging from nests in August and September to grow and feed, pollinating flowers as they go before settling in for the winter and hibernating. Survivors emerge in April and May to mate. The female carpenter bee excavates a tunnel for her offspring. In each brood chamber, she stores food and lays an egg. Having reproduced, adult carpenter bees die off in July, leaving the new generation to continue the cycle when they emerge a month or so later. Most people encounter carpenter bees during April and May when theyve just emerged to mate. During this time, male carpenter bees tend to hover around nest openings, looking for receptive females. It can be rather unnerving being around them, as the males will also hover aggressively around people who approach the nests. They may even fly right into you. Despite this tough act, male carpenter bees cannot sting. Female carpenter bees can sting, but almost never do. How to Identify Nests If you see a bee emerging from a hole in the ground or within a structure, thats a good indication that youre looking at a carpenter bee nest. To be certain, look at the entrance holes. A carpenter bee makes an entrance hole slightly bigger than her body, or just about  ½ inch in diameter. The first inch or two of the tunnel is usually made against the wood grain. The bee will then make a right turn and extend the tunnel another 4 to 6 inches in the direction of the wood grain. Carpenter bees will often eliminate their waste before entering their nest, so you might see yellow stains on the surface of the wood, just below the entrance hole. Stavros Markopoulos / Getty Images Though they burrow into wood, carpenter bees dont eat wood like termites do. Since their nest tunnels are limited in size, they rarely do serious structural damage. However, because such excavation requires a lot of energy on her part, a female carpenter bee will often prefer to refurbish an old tunnel to digging a new one. If carpenter bees are allowed to tunnel in the same structure year after year, however, the cumulative damage can be significant. How to Control Carpenter Bees Your best defense is a good offense. Carpenter bees prefer to excavate untreated, unfinished wood. You can prevent carpenter bees from nesting in the first place by painting or varnishing your homes exterior. If an infestation has occurred, you will need to use an insecticide to eliminate the carpenter bees. Many professionals recommend sprays or dust, which can reach the interior surface of the entrance holes. Apply the pesticide at dusk, when carpenter bees are less active. For the insecticide to work, the bees much come in contact with it as they crawl through the entrance hole of the nest. Apply the appropriate insecticidal dust in the spring, just before adults emerge to mate. Once you see the bees emerge, wait a few days before filling in the nest holes with wood putty or filler. If you didnt apply the insecticide before the spring adults emerged, you will need to treat the nests in the spring, and again in late summer, when the next generation of adults is foraging. In the fall, seal the nest holes with steel wool, then close off the hole with putty, wood filler, fiberglass, or asphalt. A professional pest control service is your best choice, especially if you have a large infestation because theyll have specialized tools that can reach deep into crevices. However, if you want to do it yourself, any name-brand insecticide formulated to kill flying insects should work. If youd prefer to use a natural remedy, there are several, including boric acid, Diatomaceous earth, and citrus spray. You can also contact your local extension office to find out which insecticides are effective and legal for use on carpenter bees in your area. Sources Bamabara, Stephen and Waldvogel, Michael. Residential, Structural, and Community Pests. North Carolina State University. July 2009.Houseman, Richard. Carpenter Bees. The University of Missouri Extension. Jacobs Sr., Steve. Carpenter Bees. Pennsylvania State University. January 2014UC Davis staff. Carpenter Bees Management Guidelines. The University of California. June 2014.13 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees. 27 January 2015.
Evaluate the historiographical debate surrounding the issue essays
Evaluate the historiographical debate surrounding the issue essays According to Weisel, with Germanys defeat in World War I, the nation was left with a broken government, a severely limited military, shattered industry and transportation, and a sinking economy under the strain of war debts. Many Germans were demoralized. (2000, pg 10) The Nazi (National Socialist German Workers Party) party came to power in the late 1920s. The party, through its leader Adolf Hitler, offered to restore German its pride. Holding large rallies, Hitler spoke of Germanys long military tradition, its national character, and its entitlement to greatness. To explain Germanys fallen state, Hitler targeted the Jews and others whom he said were not true Germans. In 1925, Hitler had published in Mein Kampf , writing: "Today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." Many Germans were swayed by his speech and responded enthusiastically to his ideas, and in 1933 he was appointed Fuhrer (leader) of the country. (2000, pg 10 - 11) Once in power, Hitler was able to restore Germanys economy and its military. He used that progress to support his expansion efforts, unchecked by Allied countries struggling with the worldwide Great Depression. In 1938 Hitler began invading the lands around Germany. From 1933 to 1939 Hitler aimed to achieve a "social revolution" in Germany. Through his concept of volksgemeinschaft, meaning 'people's community,' he hoped to transform Germany into a strong country based on traditional peasant values. The Protocols are used by the Nazis to whip up public hatred of the Jews in the 1930's. Widespread pogroms occur in Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Rumania, and the USSR. Between 1933 and 1939, the Nazis enacted over 400 laws to define, segregate, and impoverish German Jews. German society was gradually excluding the Jews without mercy. When the Na...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
25 Words Coined by Twentieth-Century Authors
25 Words Coined by Twentieth-Century Authors 25 Words Coined by Twentieth-Century Authors 25 Words Coined by Twentieth-Century Authors By Mark Nichol This post lists a number of words that were introduced to the English lexicon by novelists and other writers during the twentieth century. 1. beep: Scientist and novelist Arthur C. Clarke came up with this onomatopoeic word for a small, high-pitched signal. 2. blurb: Humorist Gelet Burgess coined this term for a short piece of promotional copy. 3. catch-22: Novelist Joseph Heller named his best-known novel after his term for the concept of a lose-lose predicament. 4. cojones: Novelist Ernest Hemingway borrowed the Spanish word meaning â€Å"testicles†to refer to courage. 5. cyberspace: Novelist William Gibson combined the extant prefix cyber with space to describe an online environment. 6. debunk: Novelist William E. Woodward created this word to describe the concept of disproving fraudulent claims. 7. doublethink: Novelist George Orwell named the concept of having contradictory simultaneous ideas. 8. dreamscape: Poet Sylvia Plath came up with this word for a dreamlike scene. 9. factoid: Novelist Norman Mailer coined this term for an invented fact or a false claim that becomes accepted as fact; by extension, it has also come to refer to a trivial fact. 10. groupthink: Writer William H. Whyte coined this word, which refers to self-deceiving conformity, on the model of doublethink. 11. litterbug: Writer Alice Rush McKeon came up with this term for people who carelessly drop litter. 12. meme: Scientist Richard Dawkins coined this term for behaviors, ideas, or styles passed between people; it is now widely associated with images from popular culture that express a concept. 13. microcomputer: Scientist and novelist Isaac Asimov attached a prefix meaning â€Å"very small†to computer to create a word for a portable computing device. 14. nerd: Writer Dr. Seuss gave no definition for this nonsense word he coined and did not associate it with any of his illustrations, but it came to refer to a socially inept person, especially one with advanced academic or intellectual skills but poor social skills. 15. nymphet: Novelist Vladimir Nabokov came up with this word for a sexually precocious pubescent girl; by extension, it came to apply to an attractive young woman. 16. piehole: Novelist Stephen King introduced this slang for the mouth, with the connotation that someone associated with the word (as when told, â€Å"Shut your piehole†) should use one’s mouth only for eating because the thoughts the person voices with it are not worthwhile for anyone to hear. 17. quark: Scientist Murray Gell-Mann, inspired by writer James Joyce’s use of the word in its existing sense of â€Å"a fermented dairy product resembling cottage cheese,†adopted the spelling of that word for a term he had coined that referred to a type of subatomic particle. 18. robot: The brother of Czech writer Karel ÄÅ'apek suggested that he use robota, Czech for â€Å"forced labor,†as a name for machines that resemble and perform tasks normally carried out by humans; it was translated into English as robot, and Isaac Asimov came up with the noun robotics to refer to the science behind such machines, as well as the adjective robotic. 19. scaredy-cat: Satirist Dorothy Parker came up with this slang word for a timid person. 20. superman: Playwright George Bernard Shaw translated philosopher Friedrich Nietzche’s term ÃÅ"bermensch for the title of his play Man and Superman; the word also applies generically to a person with extraordinary abilities as well as to the superhero of that name. 21. tightwad: Humorist George Ade used this term in a colloquial retelling of fairy tales. 22. tween: Philologist and novelist J. R. R. Tolkien coined this word to describe hobbit adolescence, alluding to the span of life known as the twenties (hobbits came of age in their early thirties), but it later arose independently as a truncation of between to refer to the transitional years between childhood and adolescence. 23. unputdownable: Mystery writer Raymond Chandler came up with this word for a compelling read. 24. whodunit: Book critic Donald Gordon described a mystery novel with this word. 25. workaholic: Psychologist Wayne E. Oates coined this term on the model of alcoholic; although it was not the first -aholic coinage, its popularity inspired many similar constructions. Subsequent posts will list earlier linguistic inventions. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Cost-Effective vs. Cost-EfficientFlier vs. FlyerPunctuation Is Powerful
Postal and Traditional State Abbreviations Reference Guide
Postal and Traditional State Abbreviations Reference Guide Wondering when to use abbreviations versus the full names when writing about states? As a general rule, the names of states should be spelled out when they appear in sentences but abbreviated in other contexts. For example: Our family had been transferred from Endicott, New York, to Raleigh, North Carolina. That was the word used by the people at IBM, transferred. (David Sedaris, Naked, 1997)Both men were raised in the Midwest  (Garfield in Ohio, Guiteau in Illinois) by a single, widowed parent. (Sarah Vowell, Assassination Vacation, 2005) This rule applies also if you are writing something formal and following a style guide, such as the Chicago Manual of Style, MLA Style, American Psychological Association Publication Manual (APA), or Associated Press Style (AP). When to Use State Abbreviations In bibliographies, lists, charts where space is at a premium, reference lists, footnotes and endnotes, and in mailing addresses, state names are usually shortened using the postal abbreviation. This applies to Chicago Manual of Style and the American psychological Association Style (APA). The two-letter, no-period state abbreviations recommended by the U.S. Postal Service (See Postal Abbreviations in the chart below.) should always be used where a Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code follows. These postal abbreviations may also be used in any context where abbreviations are appropriate. Some writers and editors still prefer to use the older forms of state abbreviations. (See Traditional Abbreviations in the table below.) If you follow this practice, be consistent in your use of the traditional abbreviations, and remember that eight states (Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas, and Utah) are only rarely abbreviated when using the older (pre-ZIP code) forms. Why the ZIP Code Abbreviations Were Developed Before 1963, there were no ZIP codes used on postal mail in the United States, and the U.S. Post Office preferred that people wrote out state and territory names completely to avoid confusion in sorting mail. In the early 1800s, it had established a standardized list of acceptable abbreviations, updating it in 1874. The list remained relatively unchanged until ZIP codes were introduced. The addition of seven additional characters on a final address line (ZIP code plus two spaces) necessitated the shortening of state abbreviations to fewer characters. The Post Office aimed to fit the final address line into 23 characters to accommodate major addressing systems. U.S. or US for United States Finally, United States may be abbreviated to U.S. when used as an adjective, but in formal writing, its customarily spelled out as a noun. If you are following the Chicago Manual, youll remove the periods to become US except in bibliography or reference entries pertaining to U.S. statutes, court cases, and other legal-context usages, which retain the periods. If youre following APA or AP, you will keep the periods there too. MLA prefers to spell out United States as an adjective or a noun in running text. List of State Abbreviations This handy chart has both the postal and the traditional abbreviations, for your reference: STATE POSTAL ABBREVIATION TRADITIONAL ABBREVIATION Alabama AL Ala. Alaska AK Alaska Arizona AZ Ariz. Arkansas AR Ark. California CA Calif. Colorado CO Colo. Connecticut CT Conn. Delaware DE Del. District of Columbia DC D.C. Florida FL Fla. Georgia GA Ga. Hawaii HI Hawaii Idaho ID Idaho Illinois IL Ill. Indiana IN Ind. Iowa IA Iowa Kansas KS Kans. Kentucky KY Ky. Louisiana LA La. Maine ME Maine Maryland MD Md. Massachusetts MA Mass. Michigan MI Mich. Minnesota MN Minn. Mississippi MS Miss. Missouri MO Mo. Montana MT Mont. Nebraska NE Neb. or Nebr. Nevada NV Nev. New Hampshire NH N.H. New Jersey NJ N.J. New Mexico NM N.Mex. New York NY N.Y. North Carolina NC N.C. North Dakota ND N.Dak. Ohio OH Ohio Oklahoma OK Okla. Oregon OR Ore. or Oreg. Pennsylvania PA Pa. Rhode Island RI R.I. South Carolina SC S.C. South Dakota SD S.Dak. Tennessee TN Tenn. Texas TX Tex. or Texas Utah UT Utah Vermont VT Vt. Virginia VA Va. Washington WA Wash. West Virginia WV W.Va. Wisconsin WI Wis. or Wisc. Wyoming WY Wyo.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Operations Management Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Operations Management Questions - Essay Example The use of systems theory can be said to be a specialized form of system thinking which implies that systems are integrated into the activities of a manufacturing or service operator. They are integrated for the purposes of increasing a business’s profitability, efficiency along with many other aspects that are described in the paper. Service operations are actually concerned with giving guidance on the achievement of effectiveness along with efficiency in delivering and supporting the services offered by a business (Harvard Business Review, 2000). This is done so that the customer and service providers are assured of their money’s value. These operations may be used by a business in the achievement of their strategic objectives and this fact makes the service a very critical and essential capability of a business entity (Hammer and Champy, 2001). The purpose of providing guidance is to maintain steadiness in the service operation strategies in a business. It allows for changes in the designs, scales, scope along with the service levels being applied by a business. An organization is provided with a detailed guideline process, tools along with methods for using when controlling reactive and proactive reactions (Johnston and Clark, 2005). The business managers along with practitioners attain knowledge that helps them in making more appropriate and better decisions on various aspects. These aspects include the management of the availability of the services, the control of demand for their services, optimizing the utilization of the existing capacities, making schedules of their operations and the fixing of various problems affecting their business. The guidance that is offered involves the support of the business service operations through the use of newer copies and architectures (Hammer and Champy, 2001). The examples of these services are the utilization of a shared service, mobile business along with web services. On the other hand, manufacturin g operations usually concern themselves with the functioning of a business or a facility in contrast to the issues of maintaining, supplying distributing the products from the business. There are many differences that exist between the two processes (Harvard Business Review, 2000). For instance, service operations are usually labor intensive with the delivery of their products involving their interactions with humans along with many processes that are manual (Chopra and Meindl, 2001). The industry does not require the utilization of standardization along with automation of procedures like the manufacturing operations to augment their efficiencies. Manufacturing operations often require the use of systems that help in the scheduling of activities to enhance the coordination of these activities (Paton, Clegg, Hsuan and Pilkington, 2011). The service operations may not require the scheduling activities on a temporary basis as opposed to the manufacturing operations which might require them on a permanent basis (Harvard Business Review, 2000). The customers usually play a vital role in the service operations and their initiation. This involvement by the customers often brings service heterogeneity and greatly impacts the quality of the services being offered. The different and distinct needs of the customers involved makes the providers change the contents of their
FAST FASHION IN USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
FAST FASHION IN USA - Essay Example obber market fashion company’s management and profitability ventures, has largely concentrated on strategies adopted by these business, with her key focus being on price competitiveness. The article mainly focuses on one of the largest fast fashion business line, which is Forever 21, a company that is currently valued at $3 billion in net worth, 477 stores worldwide, and has over 35,000 employees. The feature has also outlined some other fashion companies related to fashion 21, accommodating a similar strategy, or focusing on efficiency and speed in the distribution and supply lines, which has resulted in fashion being available to all individuals in the society as opposed to how they were only previously relatable to fashionistas in urban areas. Fast fashion has been assessed from a number of perspectives, from its growing nature, its influence on the job market and the reason for its boom in the 2000s. Additionally, the review has also covered some of the key issues in contemporary international fashion, considering some of the vital considerations such as infringements and copyright violations, brand placement and competition. Forever 21 has opened a fashion stor e on fifth avenue New York, popularly known for large and luxurious fashion companies and not those that adopt price reduction strategies such as the mentioned party. The assessment of supply chain reduction and new innovations is also an impressive aspect of the article since it not only concentrates on the marketing strategies but also shows how these organizations have managed to achieve economic advantages over their competition both in terms of costs and time. The establishment of warehouses all over the world for instance is one of the key strategies that Forever 21 has adopted to ensure that it reduces the lead time from demand to the supply of these products to their retail stores and other departmental stores selling their products as well. The insights offered by this article are highly
Friday, October 18, 2019
Primary and Secondary Sources Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Primary and Secondary Sources - Coursework Example It is the strongest source identified. The agreement represented the actual plans and activities of United States government and her allies on the World War II. It is a strong source written by an important agent in the war. Nevertheless, it just provides the final copy of the agreement. The author wrote several articles as the wars progressed. It stated the way the Prime Minister of Britain announced the war against Germany on September 3, at 11: 15 AM. The article is unedited and represents a very strong source. However, the copy obtained was not original and published on eyewitness online source. A very credible source written in 1943 as the war progressed. It covers the Japan plan to evacuate its soldiers from regions occupied. The US, army wrote the report and it may contain elements of bias. Albert wrote the letter to Franklin on the plan to use uranium in the war. The copy of the original letter obtained contained actual communication and it is not biased. Nonetheless, Albert wrote the letter three years before the actual use of the atomic bomb. New Yorker magazine first published the interview with Hallock. He described the use of B-17 planes in the war against Germany. It a very strong source because Hallocck took part in the bombing against Germany as a lieutenant. Nevertheless, the writings were not obtained in the original source. The book critically links the way the World War II generated from the results of World War I. It also covers all the activities carried out by all the continents in the World War II. The coverage of the events of World War II is more comprehensive. The book incorporates the elements of religion during and after the Second World War. It explores the structure of religion during the World War II. Wuthnow also shows the changes that occurred after the war. It incorporates a very important element in the
Hermes watches-segmentation targeting and positioning Research Paper
Hermes watches-segmentation targeting and positioning - Research Paper Example Markets are made up of numerous segments. Consumers portray different preference, characteristics and buying behaviour. The varying mindset of consumers is determined by many market-based factors. Marketers refer to the heterogeneous market characterised by customer behaviour to divide markets into segments; a process referred to as market segmentation. Therefore, market segmentation can be defined as the division of market into homogenous groups of consumers, in reference to the variables reflected in the marketing mix (West, Ford and Ibrahim, 2006). Marketing strategies are determined by product, price, place, promotion, people, processes and physical evidence. The difference between customers belonging to different market segments is minute. Individual segments should be evaluated through reference to a targeted marketing mix. Market segmentation helps in taking care of the homogenous groups of buyers. The key variables used in segmenting the watch markets include demographic segm entation, geographic segmentation, psychological segmentation, and psychographic segmentation (Dibb and Simkin, 2001). Geographic segmentation involves dividing the market into geographic units such as neighbourhoods, cities, regions and counties. Geographical segmentation factor is crucial in the marketing of the luxurious Hermes watches as customers are located in distant locations. The most strategic location for the marketing stalls for Hermes watches is urban areas. The immense population density creates the required marketing potential. Geographical segmentation of customers will involve the consideration of factors such as region i.e. district, state and city; size of the area; population density that considers various segments depending on population size e.g. urban versus rural neighbourhoods; and climate that considers the weather of the segment. Involves evaluation of factors such as age e.g. the watches have been designed to
Epidemiology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Epidemiology - Assignment Example It also discusses the three parts of the epidemiological triangle in a clear and outright way. Voigt explains various symptoms in the Hong Kong and SARS article. It is evident that the symptom common to all patients is a fever above 38 degrees Celsius. Some patients experience mild respiratory symptoms at the first stage, but later the cold experienced resembles influenza. Statistics shows that 10 percent to 20 percent of the patients have diarrhea. It is also apparent that SARS lead to either bacterial pneumonia or viral pneumonia. SARS was diagnosed in patients who had any of the symptoms. Also, SARS was suspected in patients who had contact with individuals who had been infected with SARS. One was advised to visit the health centers for diagnosis in the case where one had travelled to any of the regions identified by World Health Organization (WHO) as areas with prone to SARS (Voigt, 2013). Voigt also give statistics of the SARS epidemic as per the World Health Organization (WHO) report. The statistics showed that a total of 8,097 people worldwide became infected with SARS during the 2003 outbreak. The patients among these who died were 774. In considering the epidemiological triangle, the host of this epidemic was a farmer in Foshan county in the Guangdong province of china. He died soon after the infection, and there was no definite diagnosis done on his cause of death. The outbreak is believed to have been prone in November of 2002. The unfortunate thing is that the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) informed the World Health Organization (WHO) on February about the outbreak. The report they brought forward at that time showed 305 cases of infected individuals, and that there were 5 deaths caused by the epidemic (Voigt, 2013). Sars Legacy still felt in Hong Kong article shows that lack of openness by the government of china delayed the control effort to the SARS epidemic in the region and thus the disease spread at a high rate in the Guangdong
Government and politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Government and politics - Essay Example These questions will be examined in the course of this essay. The institutions of the EU are sure to change due to the Lisbon Treaty, perhaps most dramatically in terms of international affairs. The new High Representative for Foreign Affairs will unify Europes foreign policy. This will have a significant impact. It’s important to ask the question, What is power on the international scene? Part of it must surely have to do with purely military force (Kagan, 12). The US is the lone power in the world with the ability to conduct expeditionary warfare on multiple fronts across the globe whenever it wants to. As was demonstrated in the Balkans in the 1990s, Europeans aren’t able to project a credible military force even within Europe. Therefore the Europeans resort to the only thing they have for managing international conflicts, international institutions such as the UN. The success of European integration and solving the "German problem" has a lot of Europeans, Kagan says, to believe that they live in a Kantian paradise where inter national institutions can banish war forever (101). Americans have a different historical reality, and think of the world as a Hobbesian jungle where hard power rules. Now because of the Lisbon Treaty, Europeans will be taking more responsibility for their actions as a unified state. Hopefully, this will lead to the EU supporting the US in various actions rather than being a peanut gallery of criticism, with various European foreign minister sniping away (Nergelius, 89). Now Europe is left with two options: either they follow the US or be a silent partner. "Rather than viewing the US as a Gulliver tied down by Lilliputian threads", says Kagan, "American leaders should realize that they are hardly constrained at all, that Europe is not really capable of constraining the US" (100). The main reason he reaches this conclusion is because he thinks of power only in a
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