Saturday, December 28, 2019
53 Spanish Names for Fruits
Are you planning on traveling to a Spanish-speaking country near the equator and want to enjoy tropical fruits? If you do, or if you plan on shopping at any place Spanish is spoken, this list of Spanish words for fruits will come in handy. Fruit Names in Spanish A–G Apple  la manzanaApricot  el damasco, el albaricoqueAvocado  el aguacateBanana  el plà ¡tano, la bananaBlackberry  la mora, la zarzamoraBlackcurrant  la grosella negraBlueberry  el arà ¡ndanocamu camu  el camu camuCantaloupe  el melà ³nCherimoya  la chirimoyaCherry  la cerezaCitron  el cidro, el citrà ³n, la toronjaCoconut  el cocoCucumber  el pepinoCranberry  el arà ¡ndano agrioDate  el dà ¡tilFig  el higoGalia  el melà ³n galiaGooseberry  la grosella espinosaGrape  la uva (A dried grape or raisin is una pasa or una uva pasa.)Grapefruit  el pomelo, la toronjaGuarana  la fruta de guaranà ¡ Fruit Names in Spanish H–Z Honeydew melon  el melà ³n tunaHuckleberry  el arà ¡ndanoKiwi  el kiwiKumquat  el quinotoLemon  el limà ³nLime  la lima, el limà ³nLoganberry  la zarza, la frambuesaLychee  la lichiMandarin  la mandarinaMango  el mangoMelon  el melà ³nMulberry  la moraNaranjilla  la naranjilla, el luloNectarine  la nectarinaOlive  la oliva, la aceitunaOrange  la naranjaPapaya  la papayaPassionfruit  la maracuyà ¡, la parcha, la fruta de pasià ³nPeach  el durazno, el melocotà ³nPear  la peraPersimmon  el caquiPineapple  la pià ±a, el ananà ¡Plantain  el plà ¡tanoPlum  la ciruelaPomegranate  la granadaPrickly pear  la tuna, el higo chumboQuince  el membrilloRaspberry  la frambuesaStrawberry  la fresa, la frutillaTamarind  el tamarindoTangerine  la mandarina, la tangerinaTomatillo  el tomatilloTomato  el tomateWatermelon  la sandà a Many fruits have local or regional names that may not be understood outside the area. Also, the English and Spanish words for particular fruits may not always be an exact match, sometimes because two similar species of fruits may share a name. For example, what is known as un arà ¡ndano in Spanish goes by several different names in English, such as huckleberry, bilberry, blueberry, and cranberry. One common source of confusion is that a limà ³n can refer to a lemon or a lime depending on the region. Key Takeaways: Fruit Name Facts The names of many fruits are similar in English and Spanish, either because they have a common origin (such Latin) or because the English borrowed a fruit name from Spanish.The trees or other plants that produce fruit sometimes have distinctive names related to the name of the fruit.Some fruits have names that are understood only in certain localities. Common Foods Made With Fruit Apple cider  la sidra sin alcoholApple crisp, apple crumble  la manzana crujienteApple pie  el pastel de manzanaCompote  la compotaFruitcake  el pastel de frutaFruit cocktail  el cà ³ctel de frutasFruit salad  la ensalada de frutasJam  la marmeladaJuice  el jugo, el zumoPeach cobbler  el pastel de durazno, tarta de duraznoStrawberry sundae  el sundae de fresa, el helado con fresas Fruit Names English and Spanish Share English and Spanish share the names of various fruits for one of two reasons. Either the English name came from Spanish, or English and Spanish gained the name from a common source. There are no fruits on this list in which the Spanish derived from English, although its likely that kiwi, a word from Maori, was adopted because of U.S. English influence. Here are etymologies of several Spanish-derived fruit names we use in English: Papaya: Spanish picked up papaya from Arawak, an indigenous language of the West Indies, and it spread to English via the shipping industry.Pear: The English name for the fruit comes from the Latin pera, which is also what its called in Spanish.Plantain: Plantain has two meanings: a fruit similar to a banana and a type of flat-leafed weed. Both are called plà ¡tano in Spanish. The words with the first meaning probably came to English via Spanish, which picked up the term from the West Indies, while the word with the second meaning came indirectly from Greek.Tomatillo: Tomatillo in Spanish is tomate with the diminutive suffix -illo. Other Spanish food words using this suffix include tortilla (omelet or tortilla, from torta, cake), mantequilla (butter, from manteca, lard or some types of butter), and bolillo (bread roll, related to bola, ball).Tomato: At one time, the tomato was called a tomate in English, the same as its Spanish name. The Spanish, in turn, came from Nahuatl, an indig enous Mexican language, which used the word tomatl. The tl ending is a very common noun ending in Nahuatl. Sources for some of the other fruit names include Italian (cantalupo and cantaloupe), Latin (pera and pear), and Arabic (naranja and orange). Words for Fruit-Producing Plants Although the words for tree and bush are à ¡rbol and arbusto, respectively, many that produce fruit have names related to the name of the fruit. Here are some of them: Apple tree  el manzanoBlackberry bush  la zarzaCherry tree  el cerezoGrapevine  la vid, la parraLemon tree  el limoneroOrange tree  el naranjoPear tree  el peralTomato vine  la rama de tomate
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Essay on Debating the Merits of Globalization - 597 Words
ITR 201 – Internnational Business Assignment – Closing Case: Debating the Merits of Globalization Case Questions 1. Do you think globalization and MNE activities are creating problems for the world? What kinds of problems can you identify? What are the unintended consequences of international business? 2. Summarise the argument in favour of globalization made by the business executive. What is the role of technology in supporting company performance in a global business environment? 3. What are the roles of the states and federal governments in dealing with globalization. What is government’s role in protecting citizens from the negative effect of foreign MNEs conducting business in your country ? What kinds of†¦show more content†¦Well, I think the advent of the internet, mobile phones and the development of marketing softwares which are all products of technology have a lot to do with supporting international business environment, because these technologies made everything easier by making the world a small global village. 3. Some state and federal government s have a played a great role in globalization, by inviting the foreign investors to invest in their countries. Reducing the taxes, giving them free lands In my country the federal government places certain regulations that limit the activities of MNEs, an example is the banning of gas flaring in Niger Delta region of Nigeria, a region which is dominated by many Multinational firms. I recommend that the government should place the strict regulations, and should make sure that the regulations are being followed by the concerned MNEs. Furthermore, I would also suggest that and levies should be placed on the MNEs that go against them. 4. Education is has a very important role to play, firstly in making the people aware of the negative impacts of Globalization andShow MoreRelatedU.s. President Barack Obama989 Words  | 4 PagesAdd to that Afghanistan’s one trillion dollars worth of proven gas and mineral reserves and you can see why Washington insiders are keen to continue this â€Å"profit-driven resource war,†says Prof Michel Chossudovsky from the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Normally, you would dismiss such talk as conspiratorial mumbo-jumbo, but the tactical futility of Obama’s decision raises many questions. For one, nothing will change on the ground. This is not a surge. American forces will keep to theirRead MoreEducational Policy Analysis Essay1944 Words  | 8 Pagesdevelopment and beginning to understand role the policy analysis has in the evaluation of educational policies over time. 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Since Cà ´te d’Ivoire provides 40 percent of the world’s supply of this crucial ingredient (Losch, 2002, p. 206), it merits investigation in this paper. Although introduced into Cà ´te d’Ivoire during the late 1800s, cocoa remained a largely undeveloped sector until the early 20th century (Losch, 2002, p. 208). The international market had an increasing need for reliableRead MoreCadet Uniform Services: Cleaning Up in the Cleaning Business19063 Words  | 77 Pagescustomer. By applying total quality service everyone can give massive contribution to the organization and output market and because of all these reasons cadet uniform services were awarded one of the most prominent business award in 1993 for gaining merit for business excellence. Cadet Uniform Services Ltd: An Exemplary Launderer Cadet is said to be the launderer’s launderer. Cadet Uniform Services Ltd. was set up by Quentin Wahl in 1974. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Lord Byron s Manfred, The Iconic Overbearing And Guilt...
Beyond the scope of the mystic and supernatural world that exists in Lord Byron’s Manfred, the iconic overbearing and guilt-stricken Manfred has influenced the Byronic archetype to transcend beyond the gothic setting into today’s modern pop culture. Extending outside the gothic genre, which is characterized by the â€Å"macabre, mysterious, supernatural, and terrifying†, the haunting settings of looming, isolated landscapes, and dark forbidding symbolism, the Byronic hero archetype still exists in even the popular science fiction genre, with its themes rooted in dystopian and post-apocalyptic environments (Lynch and Stillinger 584). For instance, the Byronic hero archetype is portrayed in Hideki Anno’s Neon Genesis Evangelion through the†¦show more content†¦This precise description of Manfred in total isolation in a gothic setting is also explored in Sheley’s â€Å"Demolished worlds: Manfred and sublime (unburial)†where Sheley disc usses how the space that exists in Manfred functions as a place of â€Å"skeptical rendition of nature†using to illustrate Manfred’s destruction through the â€Å"unrestrained spaces of nature†that oppresses Manfred (Sheley). Through the descriptions of Manfred’s world as its own microcosm, Byron illustrates Manfred’s agonizing imprisonment and enclosure within a universe where unworldly settings such as â€Å"Of mountains inaccessible are haunts†exist, and a setting that allows the eerie existence of imaginative phenomenon to exist such as Manfred’s abilities to conjure spirits at will (Byron 640; 1.1.33). The concepts of the Byronic Hero’s own personal flaws tie in perfectly with the surrounding the character exists in, as it shows how the setting becomes a mirror into the character’s psyche. In Nicholson’s â€Å"Byron and the Drama of Temptation†, Nicholson discusses Byron’s obsession with writ ing with â€Å"action†and less so about â€Å"abstract ideas†, which Nicholson discusses drawn from Byron’s gravitation toward subjects such as history, anthropology, and â€Å"comparative life and manners of people†(Nicholson). Byron’s obsession with underscoring â€Å"poems of action†is shown in Manfred, which Nicholson argues is essential to Byron’s narratives as a â€Å"drama of exile†where
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis Of George Orwell s The Big Brother - 1176 Words
Brian Trinh Truthtellers Dr. Welch 12/14/14 In 1984, George Orwell tells a story of a man names Winston who secretly refuses to act or supports the totalitarian government that he is living under. However, the Big Brother uses various techniques to control people’s thought and action including Winston’s, into doing what they want them to do. The party member takes advantage of technology to supervise people’s behaviors all the time by placing telescreens and microphones all over the city. Not only that, they also use psychology to restrict the Outer Party and the Proles’ thoughts and actions, ultimately manipulate them for their own benefits. This method proves to be more effective in making people believe in the propaganda, keep them under control, and protect the party from disruption. In the novel, the party effectively uses technology and human resources to control the minds, behaviors and emotions of the lower class outer party. The government through the use of telescreen and the thought police recognizes even the slightest changes in actions or thoughts in their citizen. As Winston describes the danger of letting out an emotion, he says: â€Å"It was terribly dangerous to let your thought wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away†¦ In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was Trinh 2Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s Down With Big Brother 1387 Words  | 6 PagesApril 4, 1984, is the date that he wrote at the top of a diary. Put in another way, this was when he decided to rise in revolt against the Big Brother. Though a little defiance, he aimed to keep a diary not for himself, but for the future. Moreover, his attempts were never portrayed for the sake of his ambitions toward power. He wrote down, â€Å"Down with Big Brother.†This determined, bold declaration indicates that his diary would become the repository for everyone who has rebellious thoughts like WinstonRead More1984 Argument1249 Words  | 5 PagesGeorge Orwell’s book 1984 is a very interesting novel. The novel is set up in Airstrip One. In George Orwell’s book 1984 it has many situations. One of the many situations are that some people refer society as â€Å"Orwellian.†What does Orwellian mean? Orwellian means, of or related to the works of Georg e Orwell ( especially his picture of his future totalitarian state.) People believe that Orwell is realistic and say his work part of our society now. George Orwell was a writer in the twentieth centuryRead MoreNineteen Eighty Four By George Orwell Essay1601 Words  | 7 PagesBook Review for Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell Jason Lee December 12, 2015 SECTION A Date published June 8, 1949 City where published London, England Publisher Secker Warburg Number of pages 267 SECTION B Summary of your book (key details only...address the beginning, middle, and end of the book) Nineteen Eighty-Four takes place in the fictional nationRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Brave New World1601 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout time numerous individuals have attempted to predict what the future holds for our society. If one was to narrow their focus on the past century they would see the works and predictions of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. Both Huxley and Orwell, as one could infer, composed novels that describe future societies and their inner workings. Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, where members of society originate from a lab and who’s lives are pre-determined by the controllers. The controllersRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984848 Words  | 4 Pages Critical Analysis In the George Orwell’s novel 1984, much of the society is watched and have no privacy of any kind. Every person in the Party is under surveillance. In effect, these people cannot live freely and independently, but it seems to be an impossible task because of of the Party surveillance, and how they limit thinking and manipulate reality. We can similarly see these concerns and their effects in today s society and the ways the novel also acts as a warning for the future. In 1984Read MoreEssay about The People’s Republic of China: Tyrannical Political State?1912 Words  | 8 Pageswithin societies past and present. George Orwell prophetically writes about a futuristic society in his book entitled 1984. He uses hindsight of past and present political authority to illustrate the possibility of additional states imposing oppressed control. Orwell asserts the conflicting ideas with, â€Å"†¦the three slogans of the Party: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength,†(Orwell, 4). In a clever, applicable, and daunting approach, Orwell challenges the so-called pragmatismRead MoreThe Psychoanalysis of 19841019 Words  | 5 Pages The Psychoanalysis of 1984 The social structure of George Orwell’s 1984 is based on Freud’s map of the mind and the struggles between the id, the ego and the super ego. The minds of these individuals living in this society are trained to think a certain way. Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis can be applied to Orwell’s 1984. Using Freud’s psychoanalytic approach, 1984’s main character Winston Smith is portrayed as the one who goes against the ideas of the Party. In a Freudian point of view, Winston’sRead MoreGeorge Orwell s The Film V For Vendetta Directed By James Mcteigue1989 Words  | 8 PagesIn society, people often look up to our government to provide honourable and righteous justice that upholds our basic human rights .Through the analysis of dystopian texts including 1984 written by George Orwell, Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr, and the film V for Vendetta directed by James Mcteigue, the concept of a totalitarian government that exerts control over to the senses is explored throughout all these texts. The stripping of privacy and freedom demonstrates this control over the massRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By George Orwell1931 Words  | 8 Pagesextent that it was illegal for any literature to exist, and if found books are burned by the firemen. Similar to Bradbury’s society, 1984 by George Orwell includes a corrupt government where members of the Party are under surveillance at all hours of the day, and the worst crime committed is thinking anything different from what the central leader, Big Brother, allows members to think. In order to express their concerns for the destructive path they view society taking, the authors of both FahrenheitRead MoreBrave New World vs Nineteen Eighty Four vs Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?2284 Words  | 10 PagesControllers. In despair, or perhaps as his last expression of individual freedom, he hangs himself. Like Huxley, George Orwell creates a controlling utopian society in Nineteen Eighty-Four which degrades humanity. In this novel, the shift in civilization occurs following the Revolution, another movement that was based on economic control, (Orwell, 38). Like Brave New World, Orwell presents a highly controlled caste society. In B.N.W. the world is at peace, but in Nineteen Eighty-Four, the world
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Direct Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet from Enter Mother (Lady Capulet below) to the end of the scene Essay Example For Students
Direct Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet from Enter Mother (Lady Capulet below) to the end of the scene Essay Before the stage is set for Act 3 Scene 5, we watch as Romeo has shot Tybalt in his anger over Mercutios death. In this time of rage where the lights would be dim and red, the nurse sees him and allows him over at the Capulets for one night as it is his and Juliets honeymoon. Of course, he has to leave as it turns morning because he has been banished from Verona to Mantua. And so after Romeo meets with Friar Lawrence, he rushes off to Juliets bedroom. As it turns to the morning, Juliet and Romeo talk about the nightingale and the lark. The nightingale represents the night and the lark represents the day, just as the dark is bad and the light is good. In this case, however, the night is good and the day is bad, which shows a contrast to how it is normally shown. Night is represented as a good thing for Romeo and Juliet as he can stay for longer without anyone knowing that hes there, but as hes been banished, the day is represented as a bad thing. This is because he needs to be out of Verona as soon as the light shines, or else hell be in even more trouble than already. As Romeo leaves Juliets bedroom, Juliet lays still on her bed crying softly. The Nurse is sat on the side of Juliets bed, gently rubbing her shoulder to try and comfort. This shows that the Nurse and Juliet are close to each other and shows that the Nurse is more like a mother figure to her. As Juliet carries on crying on the bed, footsteps can be heard as Lady Capulet walks towards her room. She shouts Ho, daughter, are you up? This probably shows that she doesnt really visit Juliet in her bedroom in the morning, and so its quite unusual. We can see that it is evidently unusual as Juliet replies by asking herself whos calling, and also asks What unaccustomed cause procures her hither? This could also mean that Lady Capulet and Juliet are not close, which gives away Lady Capulet not being a mother figure to her own daughter. Lady Capulet enters the bedroom, crowded with a large, flat screen HD television, surrounded with jewellery hanging down from diamond and mirror holders. Around the rest of the room, sort of parading the huge double bed, are a number of tops and dresses, with numerous other clothing scattered all around, hanging out of the drawers and dragged away from the coat hangers in the towering wardrobes. Next to the designer wardrobe filled with Gucci and Chanel, there is a cupboard, burst open with the amount of high-heeled glamorous shoes in different colours. Its almost as if a rainbow is scattering itself around the fluffy ink carpet that swallows their feet. Capturing the attention of the glamorous room to herself, Lady Capulet floats slowly into the room. She is dressed in a loud and eccentric nightgown, flawlessly showing off colours like purple and gold. This shows her rich status, and shows how important she is to wear such bright clothes. As its the morning, her hair isnt perfect, but it still drapes gently around her neck, with blonde sparkles here and there. Her gown open to show her glistening purple dress, Lady Capulet loudly strides over to Juliets dressing mirror, psychotically followed by maids of all sizes. She turns towards Juliet, who is lying in a foetal position to show the irony of being a child, even though shes just had her honeymoon. She notices that her eyes are filled with tears and questions her, Why how now Juliet? This shows that she is actually quite caring towards her, and shows that she is her mother even though she may not show it much. She asks after Juliets reply, Evermore weeping for your cousins death? Lady Capulet asks this, which suggests a feeling of dramatic irony. This is because she thinks that Juliet is crying over her cousin Tybalts death, however she is actually crying over Romeo leaving to Mantua. As Lady Capulet does not realise Juliets anguish over Romeo leaving, she begins to talk about how crying over the loss of someone too much leads to some want of wit and only some grief shows much love. She also follows this with her hatred of Romeo, which is shown by her calling him a villain, clearly stated in the line That same villain Romeo. Dramatic speeches EssayHis clothes consist of a very purple coat that is rimmed with shining gold and a pair of very pressed black trousers. These show that he is smart, wealthy and organised. He is wearing a lot of jewellery around his neck, and around his arms, with a very stylish watch. This will show his wealth as well. He will constantly stand up and talk very loudly to show his status within the room, whereas everybody else will be either small or will sit down on the bed or a chair. When he enters he will automatically come to Juliets side and put his arm around her gently to show his compassion and comforting towards her. It shows a contrast between the father and the daughter, and between the young and the old. Juliets personality in this scene shines through very much. Throughout the whole play she is shown as an innocent teenage girl, going through her life like any other. However, in this scene she is shown as devious, defiant, rebellious, disrespectful and also headstrong. She is shown as disrespectful as shes disobeying her parents, doing things behind their backs and doing things that is strictly forbidden when it comes to them. Although shes shown as rebellious, she liked Romeo before she found out that he was a Montigue, which shows that shes not actually trying to be, but she is. During this scene Capulet becomes angry, and it shows in a few lines. His threatening tone towards Juliet is shown by the lines My fingers itch and soft take me with you wife. The soft tone in his voice, which he uses to comfort her, is replaced with selfishness and the feeling of flabbergasteredness. His flabbergasteredness is shown when he asks Lady Capulet How will she none? He later imitates Juliets voice to insult her. His voice rises to a whiny, high pitched stupid little girls voice, which shows that he only thinks of her as a little girl at the time being. As Capulet being even angrier, growling softly with his voice, Juliet tries to manipulate him by kneeling down and begging to him. She seems weak on the outside but on the inside she is scheming a plan and also manipulative to try and get her own way with things. After Capulet leaves the room, restraining from hitting Juliet but frustrated with how angry he is, the lights on stage go dim and red. This is to represent the anger, but to show that as hes left its not really there as much. Juliet seeks help in what to do from the Nurse, but she walks away as she cant help. She knows that Romeo killed Tybalt and so she doesnt want to help as revenge.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Give medical care for the homeless Essay Example For Students
Give medical care for the homeless Essay Title Imagine a typical day in your life: You wake up, throw back the covers and get out of bed. You dont put on a robe because the heat is on and its warm in your room. After freshening up in the bathroom, you go to your closet to choose an outfit to wear. You grab a quick breakfast. Then your best friend gives you a lift to school. At the end of the day, your mother picks you up to go shopping. Later, after dinner, you do your homework, talk on the phone and watch TV with your brother and sister. Most people would agree that a day like this is fairly ordinary. Shelter, clothes, food, education, family these are things you usually take for granted. Whats more, these are things that everyone deserves. Unfortunately, These things do not belong to everyone. Far too many people in this country have no homes. They own only the clothes they own only the clothes they are wearing. They dont know where their next meal will come from. And they have no family or friends to turn to for help. About 3 million people are homeless in the United States, and the problem is getting worse. Some researchers believe that, by the year 2000, 19 million could be homeless (American Red Cross 1). Homelessness is not a new problem in our society. In the second half of the 19th century, millions of immigrants poured into this country to find a better home. The immigration occurred around the same time as the abolition of slavery, when thousands of freed African Americans flocked to cities to look for work. At first, many of these people could not find homes or jobs. Since they were starting out with nothing, it took them awhile to get a foothold. Also, they were competing with many others who were just as poor and uneducated as they were. Large cities had huge ghettos filled with these newcomers. The living conditions were cramped and miserable. But this period was also an era of tremendous expansion for the country. Industrialization was sweeping thorough the cities, and new territories in the west were opening up. The expanding nation was able to put most of its new citizens to work. During the 1930s, the country faced another challenge: the Great Depression. Again, United States was confronted by widespread homelessness hunger, unemployment and poverty. Charity groups and religious organizations could not help everyone that needed assistance. Most citizens felt it was time for the government to step in to assist those of need ( Kraljic 6). From the 1930s to the 1960s, Social programs were setup to aid the poor and guarantee them food allowances, medical care, minimal income (Hyde 8). Welfare, food stamps, Medicaid health coverage and unemployment insurance all offer aid to those in need. The government supports theses programs largely with tax money paid by the public. When these programs were established, it was hoped that poverty and homelessness would eventually be abolished (Jencks 5). So what happened? Some of the programs set up by the government to assist the poor were cut back in the late 1970s and 1980s. The federal government spent less on social programs such as job training. In addition, the cost of food and clothing was increasing at the same time, as was the rest. And because of the cutbacks, poor people had less money to spend on these necessities. More and more people were facing poverty (Hyde 10). At one time, people could support themselves on welfare. But since 1970, the cost of living has tripled, yet government benefits have barely increased .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 , .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 .postImageUrl , .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 , .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72:hover , .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72:visited , .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72:active { border:0!important; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72:active , .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72 .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u29cc0b26b27fefc405db2b63a4eb2d72:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: To Kill A Mockingbird Essay SummaryBibliography: Copyright 1998-2000 national encol. .
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Connected A Three Lumen Urethral Catheter †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Connected A Three Lumen Urethral Catheter? Answer: Introducation BPH or Benign Prostate hyperplasia is a disease in which the prostate of a male enlarges in size. The growth is non cancerous and happens because of the prostate stromal cell hyperplasia. The growth is associated with the proliferation of the smooth muscle, connective tissue and the epithelial cells present within the transition zone in the prostate gland. The report is discussing a case study of a 60-year-old patient, Mr. Alan Jones who was having urinary symptoms due to the Benign Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The patient is obese and has diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Mr. Jones is also an alcoholic who drinks a bottle of wine every night. The surgery was performed under spinal anesthesia and the process of the surgery was transutheral resection of the prostate (TURP). The bladder of the patient is connected to a three lumen urethral catheter. After his surgery, the patient is reported to have large blood clots in his urine. The purpose of the report is to discuss the pathophysiology of his condition and the reason of the deterioration of the patient. The report also discusses the nursing management of the patient. The report also justifies the role of the members of the healthcare team. Albeit, the androgen hormones (testosterone and other related hormones) plays a big role in BPH development, but it does not directly causes the hyperplasia. The studies reported that Dihydrotestosterone(DHT), a metabolite of testosterone works as a mediator for the growth of the prostate (Kim et al., 2013). The metabolite is synthesized within the prostate because of the reaction of enzyme5-reductase as the testosterone circulates within the prostate. DHT works in the autocrine function in the stromal cells and in the epithelial cells, it works in the paracrine function (Bostanci et al., 2013). There is a record that estrogen might play a big role in causing BPH. It is estimated that the estrogen converts to androgen locally in the prostate tissue and initiates the cell proliferation. The onset of BPH is mainly age related and it rises markedly with age. It is reported that the volume of the prostate relatively increases with age. Some theories suggest that the weakening of the muscular tissue and fibrosis actually causes BPH. The role of the smooth muscle is actually prevalent in the onset of BPH as the myofibers of the muscular tissue gets broken because of aging and loses the potential for regeneration (Patel, Parsons, 2014). There are some reports that suggested that the onset of BPH has some genetic component. The study stated that 50% of men who is less than 60-year-old and underwent the surgery of BPH have inherited the disease. The pattern of inheritance shows that the pattern of inheritance is autosomal dominant (Haj-Ahmad, Abdalla, Haj-Ahmad, 2014). The increased amount of adipose tissues aids in the increase of prostate volume. The adipose amount is directly proportional to the increase of the prostate volume. The BMI (Basic Metabolic Index) is also proportional to the onset of BPH. The activity of the enzymes aromatase and 5-reductase increases as the males age. These enzymes are responsible for the conversion of testosterone and the other androgen hormones to dihydrotestosterone and estrogen (Gandaglia et al., 2013). As the testosterone and the androgen hormone metabolizes, the level of testosterone decreases and the level of estrogen and DHT rises (Kim et al, 2012). The raised level of estrogen causes the hyperplasia of the cells. As the median and the lateral lobes of the prostate have glandular composition, they are enlarged. The anterior lobe of the prostate enlarges less as it has little glandular structure (Gandaglia et al., 2013). TURP or transurethral resection of the prostrate is the surgical removal of a part of the prostrate. TURP syndrome is one of the most important risks associated with the TURP (Uddin et al., 2017). The initial symptoms of the TURP syndrome include a feeling of dizziness, headache, bradycardia or slow heartbeat and feeling sick. The initial TURP symptoms if not treated can develop risks that are threatening to life, which may result to seizures, breathing problem, cyanosis and may even lead to coma. The pathophysiology of the TURP syndrome includes the circulatory overload, water intoxication, hyponatremia, toxicity of glycine, ammonia and hypotension. The prostrate bed that has the venous network and the endometrium are found to uptake small amounts of fluid. This uptake in the fluid results in the significant decrease in the concentration of the serum and sodium (Ishio et al., 2015). This in turn results in the increase in the blood volume and the systolic and diastolic pressure following the failure of the heart. A neurological disorder is caused due to the increase in the content of the water in brain. This water intoxication also results in the seizures and coma and the fall in the serum sodium concentration. The proper functioning of the excitatory cells especially the heart and brain is carried out by sodium and the decrease in its concentration leads to hyponatremia, which involves restlessness, confusion and coma (McGowan-Smyth, Vasdev Gowrie-Mohan, 2015). The glycine toxicity, which is the result of the TURP syndrome, is threatening to retina and heart. Acute myocardial infarction may be a fatal outcome in patients who is suffering from TURP syndrome (De Lucia et al., 2014). The patients with the TURP syndrome are exposed to bacterimia, septicemia or toxemia where the bacteria may enter into the circulatory system and lead to a toxic state. The patient temporarily experience severe chills, fever and hypotension. Patients who are suffering from TURP syndrome need intensive nursing care. It is the duty of the nurse to maintain the stability of homeostasis, providing comfort of the patient and preventing the onset of any complication (Frede Rassweiler, 2017). It is also the duty of the nurse to provide the information to the patient and his family regarding the prognosis and the treatment of the syndrome. The nurse must assess the urine output of the patient in case of impaired urinary elimination. The nurse must also instruct the patient to assume the normal posture during micturition and carry out a regular check up of the incision and dressing. It is also the duty of the nurse to observe regularly the loss of excessive blood if there is any and the initiation of any infection. The nurse must keep a record of the time, the voiding amount, urgency and the incapability of retaining urine. The patient must encourage the patient to void if he experiences the urge and follow the instructions that is provided by the nurse. The nurse should provide the patient with essential information that would help the patient to deal with his disease. This may also make the patient to return to the normal life. The interdisciplinary team for Alan Jones who would provide care before his discharge involves the hospital staff of the OT, a counselor and a dietician. They would play a crucial role in providing proper care to him before being discharged so that his health condition gets improved in less amount of time. The nurses in the OT should organize proper planning of his discharge. Since his urine contains large amount of blood clots, they should consult the doctor to remove the clot with the help of syringe containing sterile water containing salt. Since his pain score was 0/10, the staff should keep a check on his pain levels in a regular manner and provide appropriate medications if required (Heidenreich et al.,2014). The nursing staff should keep a check and monitor if there are any abnormal signs and symptoms. They should monitor several health parameters such as respiration rate, blood pressure, pulse, and temperature of Alan Jones. They should make sure that his health condition is stable enough to discharge him after 2 days. The nursing staff of the OT should advise him to follow several precautions such as reduced intake of alcohol as he has a medical history of obesity and diabetes. They should also provide proper follow-ups to the patient and his son after the surgery to explain the dosage of medicaments that were prescribed to him. They should provide anti-nausea medicines if he experiences any symptoms of nausea or vomiting after the surgery. They should be patient while dealing with him and should follow all the moral values and ethics of nursing profession (Pannick et al., 2015). The counselor should interact and make him feel positive to avoid any psychological issues of distress and anxiety that might occur after the surgery. This will make him comfortable and improve his trust in the healthcare services provided to him. A dietician should be appointed for him to follow a nutritious diet, exercise regularly and improve his social interaction with his family members and friends. Alan Jones can also be provided physiotherapy sessions and rehabilitation if advised by the doctors (Huri, Akel ?ahin, 2016). Hence, it can be concluded that several measures after the surgery of Alan Jones that should be taken by the clinicians and the nursing staff to avoid different types of infection, injury or accidents .The nurses and the doctors should provide safety to the patient to reduce the risk of complications, rate of recovery. This will help in reducing the increased stay in the hospitals and unnecessary deaths of patients. The nursing staff, counselor and the dietician should provide appropriate care to Alan Jones after the surgery so that he is not attacked by any kind of infectious agent. They should also monitor his health condition and provide proper follow-ups to prevent any other signs and symptoms that might occur after the surgical procedure. The hospital staff should have a responsible attitude and be patient while providing care to him. The hospital management, doctors and the nurses should support him and his family members. References: Bostanci, Y., Kazzazi, A., Momtahen, S., Laze, J., Djavan, B. (2013). Correlation between benign prostatic hyperplasia and inflammation.Current opinion in urology,23(1), 5-10. De Lucia, C., Femminella, G. D., Komici, K., Rengo, G., Ferrara, N. (2014). Risk of Myocardial Infarction in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Prostatic Diseases.MYOCARDIAL INFARCTIONS, 77. Frede, T., Rassweiler, J. J. (2017). Management of Postoperative Complications Following TURP. InPractical Tips in Urology(pp. 493-501). Springer London. Gandaglia, G., Briganti, A., Gontero, P., Mondaini, N., Novara, G., Salonia, A., ... Montorsi, F. (2013). The role of chronic prostatic inflammation in the pathogenesis and progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).BJU international,112(4), 432-441. Haj-Ahmad, T. A., Abdalla, M. A., Haj-Ahmad, Y. (2014). Potential urinary miRNA biomarker candidates for the accurate detection of prostate cancer among benign prostatic hyperplasia patients.Journal of Cancer,5(3), 182. Heidenreich, A., Bastian, P. J., Bellmunt, J., Bolla, M., Joniau, S., van der Kwast, T., ... Mottet, N. (2014). EAU guidelines on prostate cancer. Part 1: screening, diagnosis, and local treatment with curative intentupdate 2013.European urology,65(1), 124-137. Huri, M., Akel, B. S., ?ahin, S. (2016). Rehabilitation of Patients with Prostate Cancer. InProstate Cancer-Leading-edge Diagnostic Procedures and Treatments. InTech. Ishio, J., Nakahira, J., Sawai, T., Inamoto, T., Fujiwara, A., Minami, T. (2015). Change in serum sodium level predicts clinical manifestations of transurethral resection syndrome: a retrospective review.BMC anesthesiology,15(1), 52. Kim, M. K., Zhao, C., Kim, S. D., Kim, D. G., Park, J. K. (2012). Relationship of sex hormones and nocturia in lower urinary tract symptoms induced by benign prostatic hyperplasia.The Aging Male,15(2), 90-95. McGowan-Smyth, S., Vasdev, N., Gowrie-Mohan, S. (2015). Spinal anesthesia facilitates the early recognition of TUR syndrome.Current urology,9(2), 57-61. Pannick, S., Davis, R., Ashrafian, H., Byrne, B. E., Beveridge, I., Athanasiou, T., ... Sevdalis, N. (2015). Effects of interdisciplinary team care interventions on general medical wards: a systematic review.JAMA internal medicine,175(8), 1288-1298. Patel, N. D., Parsons, J. K. (2014). Epidemiology and etiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia and bladder outlet obstruction.Indian journal of urology: IJU: journal of the Urological Society of India,30(2), 170. Uddin, M. M., Amin, R., Rahman, M. M., Chowdhury, S. M., Khan, M. R., Islam, M. R. (2017). Retrospective Review of TURP Done in One Year and Report on Postoperative Outcome.KYAMC Journal,4(1), 321-325.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The TJX company free essay sample
The company used Wired Equivalent Privacy encryption system to handle their client’s credit and debit card information. This system was very easy for any hacker to gain access to people’s information. It was completely out of date and did not encrypt anything within the company, which made it more vulnerable. They did not install firewall security correctly. TJX had purchased many other security programs that were not properly installed. They kept customer’s information in their system longer than what is required by law. TJX could have switched to WiFi Protected Access (WPA) to encrypt their client’s personal data information, but failed to do so. This system is much more sophisticated that the previous system and it encrypted everyone’s information, because it was more complex. Firewalls should have been installed correctly because it could have been prevented and would have saved the company the embarrassment of knowing that their system was not safe. We will write a custom essay sample on The TJX company or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This data should have been protected when transferring information over a wireless connection. The business effect of TJX’s data loss will cost them significantly. Because of their incompetence of not installing the proper software needed to ensure customer’s information, this will cost them $202 million to deal with the theft and the lawsuits brought on. They agreed to strengthen their system security and agreed to have third-party auditors to check their security features every 2 years, for the next 20 years. There was research conducted by a company called Forrester Research, which estimated that their business would cost them $1 billion for the next five years. This finding was based on the cost of additional marketing, security upgrades, consultants, and attorney fees. The moral dimension that may be applied is the fact that they need to ensure that the customer’s information is secure and encrypted. The next thing for the company is to take full responsibility for the data loss when they could have taken the simple measures of doing so.
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