Saturday, December 28, 2019
53 Spanish Names for Fruits
Are you planning on traveling to a Spanish-speaking country near the equator and want to enjoy tropical fruits? If you do, or if you plan on shopping at any place Spanish is spoken, this list of Spanish words for fruits will come in handy. Fruit Names in Spanish A–G Apple  la manzanaApricot  el damasco, el albaricoqueAvocado  el aguacateBanana  el plà ¡tano, la bananaBlackberry  la mora, la zarzamoraBlackcurrant  la grosella negraBlueberry  el arà ¡ndanocamu camu  el camu camuCantaloupe  el melà ³nCherimoya  la chirimoyaCherry  la cerezaCitron  el cidro, el citrà ³n, la toronjaCoconut  el cocoCucumber  el pepinoCranberry  el arà ¡ndano agrioDate  el dà ¡tilFig  el higoGalia  el melà ³n galiaGooseberry  la grosella espinosaGrape  la uva (A dried grape or raisin is una pasa or una uva pasa.)Grapefruit  el pomelo, la toronjaGuarana  la fruta de guaranà ¡ Fruit Names in Spanish H–Z Honeydew melon  el melà ³n tunaHuckleberry  el arà ¡ndanoKiwi  el kiwiKumquat  el quinotoLemon  el limà ³nLime  la lima, el limà ³nLoganberry  la zarza, la frambuesaLychee  la lichiMandarin  la mandarinaMango  el mangoMelon  el melà ³nMulberry  la moraNaranjilla  la naranjilla, el luloNectarine  la nectarinaOlive  la oliva, la aceitunaOrange  la naranjaPapaya  la papayaPassionfruit  la maracuyà ¡, la parcha, la fruta de pasià ³nPeach  el durazno, el melocotà ³nPear  la peraPersimmon  el caquiPineapple  la pià ±a, el ananà ¡Plantain  el plà ¡tanoPlum  la ciruelaPomegranate  la granadaPrickly pear  la tuna, el higo chumboQuince  el membrilloRaspberry  la frambuesaStrawberry  la fresa, la frutillaTamarind  el tamarindoTangerine  la mandarina, la tangerinaTomatillo  el tomatilloTomato  el tomateWatermelon  la sandà a Many fruits have local or regional names that may not be understood outside the area. Also, the English and Spanish words for particular fruits may not always be an exact match, sometimes because two similar species of fruits may share a name. For example, what is known as un arà ¡ndano in Spanish goes by several different names in English, such as huckleberry, bilberry, blueberry, and cranberry. One common source of confusion is that a limà ³n can refer to a lemon or a lime depending on the region. Key Takeaways: Fruit Name Facts The names of many fruits are similar in English and Spanish, either because they have a common origin (such Latin) or because the English borrowed a fruit name from Spanish.The trees or other plants that produce fruit sometimes have distinctive names related to the name of the fruit.Some fruits have names that are understood only in certain localities. Common Foods Made With Fruit Apple cider  la sidra sin alcoholApple crisp, apple crumble  la manzana crujienteApple pie  el pastel de manzanaCompote  la compotaFruitcake  el pastel de frutaFruit cocktail  el cà ³ctel de frutasFruit salad  la ensalada de frutasJam  la marmeladaJuice  el jugo, el zumoPeach cobbler  el pastel de durazno, tarta de duraznoStrawberry sundae  el sundae de fresa, el helado con fresas Fruit Names English and Spanish Share English and Spanish share the names of various fruits for one of two reasons. Either the English name came from Spanish, or English and Spanish gained the name from a common source. There are no fruits on this list in which the Spanish derived from English, although its likely that kiwi, a word from Maori, was adopted because of U.S. English influence. Here are etymologies of several Spanish-derived fruit names we use in English: Papaya: Spanish picked up papaya from Arawak, an indigenous language of the West Indies, and it spread to English via the shipping industry.Pear: The English name for the fruit comes from the Latin pera, which is also what its called in Spanish.Plantain: Plantain has two meanings: a fruit similar to a banana and a type of flat-leafed weed. Both are called plà ¡tano in Spanish. The words with the first meaning probably came to English via Spanish, which picked up the term from the West Indies, while the word with the second meaning came indirectly from Greek.Tomatillo: Tomatillo in Spanish is tomate with the diminutive suffix -illo. Other Spanish food words using this suffix include tortilla (omelet or tortilla, from torta, cake), mantequilla (butter, from manteca, lard or some types of butter), and bolillo (bread roll, related to bola, ball).Tomato: At one time, the tomato was called a tomate in English, the same as its Spanish name. The Spanish, in turn, came from Nahuatl, an indig enous Mexican language, which used the word tomatl. The tl ending is a very common noun ending in Nahuatl. Sources for some of the other fruit names include Italian (cantalupo and cantaloupe), Latin (pera and pear), and Arabic (naranja and orange). Words for Fruit-Producing Plants Although the words for tree and bush are à ¡rbol and arbusto, respectively, many that produce fruit have names related to the name of the fruit. Here are some of them: Apple tree  el manzanoBlackberry bush  la zarzaCherry tree  el cerezoGrapevine  la vid, la parraLemon tree  el limoneroOrange tree  el naranjoPear tree  el peralTomato vine  la rama de tomate
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