Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Instant Solutions to 5th Grade Essay Samples Evidence in Step by Step Format
Instant Solutions to 5th Grade Essay Samples Evidence in Step by Step Format The Upside to 5th Grade Essay Samples Evidence The most important point is, you don't need to wait until you find the prompt to come up with an arsenal of sorts of argument-building techniques you may use to back up your points. What are a few examples of fantastic attention grabbers for. Your grade will be dependent upon the standard and depth of your insights, and on the usage of specific textual evidence as support. Instead you would like to learn new material and set it in the suitable context. Ok, I Think I Understand 5th Grade Essay Samples Evidence, Now Tell Me About 5th Grade Essay Samples Evidence! Likewise, it has to be logically complete and express a particular idea. Proposed Solution In communities where immigrants compose a core portion of the demographic, it is critical to acknowledge the simple fact that said immigrants will inevitably affect the culture of the community. Just make certain that it is something which you require, not just something which you desire in the brief term. Within this city people appear different because everyone comes from various places. A Startling Fact about 5th Grade Essay Samples Evidence Uncovered Quotations A quotation is a specific preproduction of some other individual's words. Every essay followed the identical standard structure. When it may seem an argumentative essay isn't different than other kinds of papers, arguments have their own how to compose an essay in mla style. How can you write a great argumentative essay. Maybe you've written this form of essay before. The theory behind a persuasive essay is to assist the student pass their ideas through the audience. An individual can also use short quotations so as to sum up the argument. In such situations, you may use some lengthy quotation. Color-coding is an excellent aid for the teacher because you're able to skim to ensure all pieces of your students' paragraphs and essays are found. Paraphrasing If you take a section of text and set it in your own words, you're paraphrasing. The 3 body paragraphs are the basis of the essay. They are absolutely crucial to the success of the five paragraph essay. At times, the place of writer can be exceedingly important and capture the most important idea very well. As a discipline, writing requires a whole lot of practice, particularly in the essential stages like 5th grade. Describe one vivid memory with that day. In fifth grade students are in a position to write in a number of stylesthey may also write five related high quality paragraphs. If you need an example written by means of a student check out our vast selection of completely free student models. While teachers ought to be there to support your child, he should do the job. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. There's, naturally, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Consequently, there's a need to institute policy changes that require healthcare staff to get training in another language along with on cultural competency for a method of ensuring they are closer with their patients. Even in the event the deadline is truly tight, feel free to get hold of our managers. When you review every one of your answers, keep an eye on your mistakes. In order to obtain the hearts of your readers, it's important to possess strong arguments. If you've been given the job of writing an evidence based essay, you will want to be aware of the best approaches to incorporate that evidence. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. Observe that the objective of a persuasive speech is just like the purpose for writing an argumentative or persuasive essaythe organizational structure and variety of data in a persuasive speech would be.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The World Through Freedom And Democracy A Critical Analysis
Uniting the World Through Freedom and Democracy: A Critical Analysis of the Pre-Emptive Cold War Policy Strategy of President Ronald Reagan’s â€Å"Tear Down This Wall!†Speech This critical analysis of â€Å"Tear Down This Wall!†speech of 1987 will define President Ronald Reagan’s properly conveyed speech on the necessity of tearing down the Berlin Wall as a symbol of democracy and freedom on a global scale. Reagan examines the ideological barriers of the Cold War, which are defined in the Berlin Wall as a division between communism and democracy. President Reagan was a pivotal leader for democracy during the Cold War, since his primary goal was to defeat communism around the world. More importantly, Reagan took a pre-emptive rhetorical risk in openly challenging Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall as a pre-emptive Cold War policy strategy. Ironically, President Reagan’s â€Å"provocative†speech was a causal factor in coming to an agreement with Gorbachev to tear down the wall in 1989. Therefore, President Reagan speech defines the effectiveness of a pre-emptive Cold War Strategy for negotiations with Gorbac hev for tearing down the Berlin Wall, but the speech also symbolizes a prelude to the coming victory of freedom and democracy on a global scale. Reagan’s symbolic use of Berlin’s geography as a demarcation point from the tyranny of a â€Å"totalitarian state†, such as the Soviet Union, which had dominated the division of Germany since the WWII era. More so, ReaganShow MoreRelatedAdorno Horkheimers Traditional And Critical Theory Of Society1199 Words  | 5 Pagesand Critical Theory, Adorno Horkheimer introduced the term critical theory in contrast to the traditional theory. ‘Critical theory’ or critical theory of society is defined as a social theory which aims to both critique and changes the society by providing a normative and descriptive basis for the emancipation of the society. In fact, an emancipation of the oppressed (similar to the Marxian emancipation of the proletariat from the shackles of bourgeois) is the core concept of the cri tical theoryRead MoreA Speech On American Journalism Essay1267 Words  | 6 PagesMcChesney focuses on the idea that professional journalism in America has been in a major declineâ€â€and if a solution is not agreed upon to save it, our democracy itself will be in peril. More specifically, McChesney attempts to convey the idea that government intervention is imperative in order to salvage professional journalism as a whole and save democracy in America. He argues that government intervention in the form of subsidization and nationalization of the media is required; he writes, â€Å"The futureRead MoreSpeech On The Media s Speech For A Rethinking By Media Critic Robert Mcchesney Essay1640 Words  | 7 Pages This cover letter addresses the first essay for English 114, Democracy in the Media in which I critique and analyze the essay â€Å"Farewell to Journalism?: Time for a rethinking†by media critic Robert McChesney. I will look specifically at McChesney’s cl aim that American journalism is in peril danger and that massive government subsidies are the only way to save it, and our democracy. As I analyze McChesney’s claim, I will find major discrepancies within it and will make my own claim that althoughRead MoreThe Ideologies Put Forth By Paulo Freire1215 Words  | 5 Pagesgives educators hope. These are the educators who are dedicated to bring about positive change in education and by extension society. Freire’s contribution to education through his research and theories resonates with Trinbagonian educators as it encompasses issues of slavery, colonialism, post colonialism social mobility and democracy. Furthermore, Freire’s ontology is grounded in comprehensive philosophical underpinnings including that of John Dewey and Jean Piaget. Their contributions have shapedRead MoreThe Theory Of Power And Leadership Ideas1021 Words  | 5 Pagespolitical, economic or religious ideas. Democracy, power, freedom an d rights, citizenship and protest, social justice and equality are all ideas based on which institutions make policies and rules. As abstract and non-specific element of thought it may be, it forms essential bases of formational philosophy and politics. It is important to understand, in relation to power and leadership ideas are examined through concepts of knowledge, which are ideologies. Democracy can be viewed with the lens of liberalRead MoreFreedom of the Press Essay991 Words  | 4 PagesFreedom of the Press and How It Has Affected the American Political Process throughout History ------------------------------------------------- Presented in Partial fulfillment of the Requirement for American Federal Gov 1114 Mark L. Hays Tulsa Community College ------------------------------------------------- By E-Man June 13, 2010 Freedom of the Press is a yearly report by U.S-based non-governmental organization freedom house, measuring the level of freedomRead MoreThe Media And Its Impact On Society s Life Quality916 Words  | 4 Pagesglobalized world, the acquisition of reliable information, with the ability to use it and share it is critical for a fair, efficient and prosperous social contest. Qualitative information to all is essential for the promotion of democracy and freedom. The widespread assumption is that the main cause of journalism decline is attributable to the corporate control of the media. Mega corporations, invested of concentrated economic power represent a threat to the public good and to democracy. Are Mega-corporationsRead MoreAnalyzing the Ideas of Locke and Hobbes on the State of Nature704 Words  | 3 Pagesconundrum. Both Hobbes and Locke applied clinical logic and objective analysis, diffused through their distinctly disparate worldviews, to elucidate stirring but separate visions of the state of nature and mans place within it. Whereas Hobbes grounded his writing on the state of nature in a pragmatic appraisal of humanitys craven nature, Locke viewed the notion as the embodiment of mans promise and potential. A critical analysis of the works of Hobbes and Locke can be used to refine ones own conceptionRead MoreThe Politics Of Mexico And China1737 Words  | 7 Pages Mexico has been a democracy for close to 100 years, however, in practice, it is only now going through a democratic transition (ONSF). The dislodging of an authoritarian political party from presidency in 2000 made many optimistic about Mexico’s move towards democracy. Similarly, China, a fractu red authoritarian state, has been showing increasing signs of democracy. Due to its economic and political trends, many argue that China is well on its way towards becoming a democracy. However, despite theseRead MoreTheories And Theories Of The Social Analysis Of Max Weber, Giovanni Sartori And W.b1320 Words  | 6 Pagessomething commonly delivered as a single word or a phrase such as ‘Power’ ‘Freedom’ and ‘Revolution’. Whereas, theories are an explanation of observed data which is conveyed as reliable. As it is difficult to give one singular, finite and definitive definition to both terms, the definitions offered above are the perspective through which the two will be looked at in this essay. Concepts and theories influence political analysis through marginalising important aspects to be considered within them, stretching
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay Brown v. Board of Education A Step Towards Equality
Brown v. Board of Education: A Slow Yet Significant Step Towards Equality On May 17, 1954, in the landmark court case of Brown v. Board of Education, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously outlawed racial segregation in public schools. The court decision, in light of the continual endeavor of African Americans to ban racial segregation, came hardly surprising. Still, the prohibition of school segregation stirred up hot debates throughout the country and was met with strong opposition, violence, and inertia in the South, where the law mandated school segregation. James Baldwin, an African American writer noted for his ability of weaving narrative and argument and intermixing public and privates experiences, also joined the army of critics.†¦show more content†¦Ferguson. It held that racial segregation in public schools deprived African American due process of law and equal protection of law guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Constitutional Amendments respectively (Huston 1). Historians and educators across the country welcomed the court decision, a nd some claimed that â€Å"in light of the recent developments it was the only decision that the Supreme Court could honestly make†(â€Å"Historians†17). In much the way as was the unanimous ruling of the High Court, virtually all major newspapers in the North and all African American newspapers saluted the segregation ruling, while all major newspapers in Southern segregated states expressed regret over the ruling and predicted turmoil in the change (â€Å"Editorial†19). Another New York Times article published on the same date reported early responses from Southern states on the desegregation ruling: Mississippi Governor Hugh White urged a procrastinating attitude and called the Education Advisory Committee to study methods to maintain segregation. Georgia Governor Herman Talmadge proposed a plan to abolish the public school system and let each county lease schools to state residents as private schools with special entrance requirements including racial req uirements. Alabama State Representative Sam Engelhardt declared that â€Å"we are going to keep every brick in our segregation wall intact.†Show MoreRelatedThe Court Case that Changed the World: Brown v. Board of Education1078 Words  | 5 PagesBrown v. Board of Education is a story of triumph over a society where separating races simply based on appearances was the law. It is a story of two little girls who has to walk through a railroad switchyard in Topeka, Kansas in 1950 just to attend school. With lunch bags and backpacks in hand, they make their way to the black bus stop which is a distance of the tracks. They have to walk this distance, pass the buses filled with white children because they are unable to attend the nearby whiteRead MoreSeperate Is Not Equal Essay1554 Words  | 7 Pagesconstitutional basis of government in the United States. This struggle was not only about children and their education, but also about issues of race and equal opportunity in Ame rica. The decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka initiated educational and social reform throughout the United States. However, without the dedication brought by Charles H. Houston, the case of equality or the Civil Rights Movement might not have advanced to where it is today. Up until the late 1950s, publicRead MoreFinal Paper. Ashton L Young. College Of Charleston . .1223 Words  | 5 Pageswas used to address equality of education post Brown v. Board of education (1954). I will discuss the challenges of desegregation, what challenges minority students still face in America s public schools post Brown v. Board, and how might we transform education so that all students receive equal opportunity according to Dewey and Paolo. Education Post Brown v. Board Brown versus the Board of Education set the precedent for schooling in America with the ideals of equal education to all, no matterRead More6. 07 Integrating Information Analysis1063 Words  | 5 PagesStatement Nearly every branch of federal and local governments had taken steps towards providing equal protection by the late 1970s, according to an article published by the National Archive (â€Å"Teaching With Documents: The Civil Rights of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission†). Paraphrase Statement The National Archives state that late in the 1970s, the federal and state governments were taking steps towards providing equal protection under the law (â€Å"Teaching With Documents: TheRead MoreEssay about The Civil Rights Movement in the USA1293 Words  | 6 Pagesdecision was that segregation is legal as long as equal facilities were provided. Justice Henry Billings Brown summarized, The object of the [Fourteenth] amendment was undoubtedly to enforce the equality of the two races before the law, but in the nature of things it could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon color, or to endorse social, as distinguished from political, equality. . . If one race be inferior to the other socially, the Constitution of the United States cannot putRead MoreBrown vs. Board of Education: Case Study1745 Words  | 7 PagesBefore Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was taken to the Supreme Court, the ruling in earlier Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson stood. P lessy v. Ferguson established the separate but equal doctrine, which pervaded nearly every aspect of American life. One of the realms that Plessy v Ferguson expressly applied to was the area of public schools. Public schools in America could be racially segregated, based on the assumption that African-American schools were equal to their white counterpartsRead More Segregation: Seperate but Equal967 Words  | 4 PagesLinda Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas advocated the need for change in America in the mid 20th century. America was a country in turmoil, after many futile efforts to make social change had failed but Linda Brown’s groundbreaking case pushed America in the right direction. At the heart of the problem was segregation. Segregation is the act of separating a certain person or faction from the main group. In America’s case segregation was practiced on minorities such as African-AmericansRead MoreThe Brown versus Board of Education Case1209 Words  | 5 Pagesthe 1954 Brown v. Board of Education U.S. Supreme Court decision. To this day, Brown Versus the Board of Education is known as one of the most significant Supreme Court rulings of the 20th century. Brown versus the Board of Education stated that racial segregation of students disrupted parts of the 14 amendment. The outcome of this case would end up causing a full racial revolution across the United States of America, (U.S.) and a new way of schooling and acceptance of mixed people. Brown versusRead More Brown v Board of Education Essay2327 Words  | 10 Pageslandmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education meant, at last, that they and their children no longer had to attend separate schools. Brown v. Board of Education was a Supreme Court ruling that changed the life of every American forever. In Topeka, Kansas, a black third-grader named Linda Brown had to walk one mile through a railroad switchyard to get to her black elementary school, even though a white elementary school was only seven blocks away. Lindas father, Oliver Brown, tried to enroll herRead More(Final Draft). . Brown V. Board Of Education. . . . . .1660 Words  | 7 Pages(Final Draft) Brown V. Board of Education Cole Sayde American Studies 1 H Conner P.8 Due Date: 3/10 Working Outline Introduction General Comments Explanation of Brown case The Brown v. Board of Education case influenced American segregation, because unlike other instances of desegregation, it overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, ended school segregation, and progressed the civil rights movement. Overturned Plessy V. Ferguson What caused Brown V. Board of Education What is Plessy V. Ferguson How
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Pressures Of Youth And Beauty - 2204 Words
The Pressures of Youth and Beauty The novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, tells the story of a man obsessed with the pursuit of beauty and youth. He goes as far as to sell his soul, both literally and figuratively, in order to maintain his own youthful beauty. To preserve his youthful beauty, Dorian Gray allows his sins to be captured in a canvas self-portrait. However, in doing so, he does not take into account the impact his actions will have on others as well as on his own soul. In the novel, the titular character desires the power and privilege that youth and beauty brings, but he does not realize the true sacrifice such power requires. In the beginning of the novel, Dorian Gray gives up his soul to the devil for eternal youth. With the idea of eternal youth also came the idea of being eternally beautiful as well. Before doing this, Dorian loses one of the most important parts of who he is, his innocence. In the novel, Basil told Lord Henry that he did not want him ever to speak t o Dorian. He said this because he did not want Dorian to lose his innocence to Lord Henry’s words. Lord Henry says, â€Å"We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind, and poisons us. The body sins once, and has done with its sin, for action is a mode of purification. . . . Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful. It has beenShow MoreRelatedEssay on Medias Portrayal Of Beauty Affects Socieites Youth1142 Words  | 5 PagesBeauty is an omnipresent characteristic that plagues societies’ youth today because mainstream media has them convinced that inner beauty is less important than physical beauty. Unfortunately the media’s warped sense of what true beauty is has been advertised in such a way that it has become an unhealthy observation for today’s youth. The expectations of beauty are unacceptably stereotyped, which creates unrealistic idealistic goals for our young people to try to achieve. It is crucial to mentionRead MoreBeauty Pageants : A Little Girl s Psyche987 Words  | 4 PagesA little girl’s psyche is extremely fragile; it cracks under the pressure of being perfect and is no match for the insanely high standards of the pageant world. A 2007 study conducted by the American Psychological Association found a link between the seemingly fun and harmless beauty pageants and the development of low self-esteem, eating disorders, and depression. In addition to being mentally damaging, pageants are also damaging to the wallets of parents. Families may spend thousands of dollarsRead MoreChild Beauty Pageants1151 Words  | 5 Pagesfirst year of the American beauty pageant. This was a groundbreaking year, as women from all over the United States were given the opportunity to show their talent, outer beauty and inner intelligence. Little did our country know, that 40 years later, children as young as 10 months old would be competing in beauty pageants. 1960 marked the first child beauty pageant in America and started a major American trend. Since the tragic death of JonBenet Ramsey in 1996, child beauty pageants have been a hotRead MoreBeauty Culture: An Examination the Effects Media Has on Society 1440 Words  | 6 PagesSociety is obsessed with being beautiful. One just has to examine the amount differing beauty industries earn early for this fact to be evident. For example, the diet industry is a thirty-three billion dollar industry, with the cosmetic industry following close behind with twenty billion yearly (Wolf 16). However, this obsession with beauty is not without cause. As stated in Body Image: Understanding Body Dissatisfaction in Men, Women, and Children, â€Å"In affluent Western societies, slenderness isRead MoreChild Beauty Pageants Are Harmful For Young Girls1022 Words  | 5 PagesChild beauty pageants have existed for many years, and at first they were considered innocent dress up games. It was not until the T.V. show Toddlers and Tiaras aired that the industry received national attention. The multibillion dollar industry depicted two year olds with wigs, spray tans, waxed eyebrows, and inappropriate attires catering to the audience that craves young faces in the entertainment business. These type of competitions can have negative impacts on a child’s life. Child beauty pageantsRead MorePlastic Surgery And Its Effect On Society1169 Words  | 5 Pageswhich beauty is curvaceous goddess with fare complex and sex appeal. This portrayal of the standard of beauty has convinced and blind society to believe that on must achieve such look to be happy or feel good about them. These standards of beauty are projected through the media, magazines, advertisements and the ideal beautiful portray. Many people feel that the only way to achieve such looks is through the process of plastic surgery, women especially. Women feel an immense amount of pressure to achieveRead MoreAre Beauty Pagents Harmful1182 Words  | 5 PagesAre Beauty Pageants Harmful? Introduction I. As the old saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which means that someone or something may be attractive and eye-catching to one person, but completely unattractive to another person. If we lived in a perfect world, maybe everyone would follow the wise words of this old saying and admit that evaluating beauty is a subjective practice. (Bartell, Jeffery) Unfortunately, none of us live in a perfect world and the society that does existRead MoreEssay on Crime Against True Beauty1058 Words  | 5 Pagesgirls are wounded by the immense weight of our cultures requirements for beauty. Requirements that can potentially be explained by science, but neither the way in which our society allows itself to be controlled by such mundane fancies nor the effect on the people it oppresses is by any means justified. Though there are countless explanations by which we might decipher the origin of our cultures general idea of outward beauty, science currently stands foremost as a highly relevant source to expoundRead MoreSymbolism in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost602 Words  | 3 Pagesjust outside of town in a wooded area with his horse. He stops for a moment to appreciate the wonder of the world that he has spent so much time in, something that he may not have done much in his younger years. The horse could be a symbol of the pressures of the rest of the civilized world. The horse nudges the speaker on as if to ask if there is some mistake, just as society might nudge someone into movement and not understand the necessity of stopping to smell the roses. The last three linesRead MorePersuasive Essay On The Standard Of Beauty1529 Words  | 7 Pagesplace. Beauty standards are so high they create negative body images and women who hate the way they look. Women look in the mirror and they pick themselves apart, and point out their personal flaws, and compare themselves to others. Women have a major difficulty with accepting the way they look, because they feel a pressure to reach societys standards of beauty. Today many women no longer feel like pursuing beauty and instead feel a pressure that they must reach the standard of beauty presented
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Repressed Memories Truth Or Fiction - 1129 Words
Repressed Memories: Truth or Fiction Talia E. Shuman The University of Tampa Repressed Memories: Truth or Fiction When people think of memory repression, people think of child sexual abuse scandals, parental abuse, traumatic injuries, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Memory repression is thought by some to be a defense mechanism of the brain in the event of extreme distress. The memory of the event is pushed back into the corners of the unconscious, and is only recovered after a long period of time has passed. According to the American Psychological Association, both memory researchers and clinicians who work with trauma victims agree that memory can be forgotten and then remembered, and a ‘memory’ can be suggested and remembered as true (APA, n.d.). However, some believe this is not the case. Instead, they believe that these repressed memories are the result of over-eager therapists planting ideas in their clients’ heads. In a recent study, Harrsion Pope tried to find a case of memory repression in works of fiction and nonfiction prior to 1800, and didn’t fin d any cases which matched their definition of a repressed memory. They concluded from this that â€Å"the phenomenon is not a natural neurological function, but rather a ‘culture-bound’ syndrome rooted in the nineteenth century†(Pettus, 2008). Memory repression is an extremely controversial subject in the field of psychology. Further research into this topic could lead to better treatments for patientsShow MoreRelatedThe Moral Dilemma Of By Stephen Covey1180 Words  | 5 PagesGeneralising, all of our physical senses are stored as subconscious memories – the people, objects (even apparitions and the supernatural), etc. which may appear in our dreams are comprised of our knowledge of the external reality. Memory fragments are ubiquitous in all forms of cognitive processing – stored memories enable the brain to construct mental content. As a result, an individual’s perception will vary according to the memories and knowledge accumulated by the physical senses since birth, andRead MoreThe Three Faces Of Eve Essay1188 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction This paper is intended to inform its reader about Multiple Personality Disorder and whether it is fact or fiction. This paper was intended to be contrived after watching the film â€Å"The Three Faces of Eve†, directed by Nunnally Johnson in 1957. The star of the film, Joanne Woodard, portrays the title character Eve White, who acts through the separate personalities of Eve White, Eve Black, and Jane. Despite the doctors in the film being able to explain Multiple Personality Disorder, theRead MoreOverview. Octavia Butler’S Kindred Focuses On The Perspective1731 Words  | 7 Pagesrights of slaves. Similarly, Sarah Eden Schiff’s â€Å"Recovering (from) the Double: Fiction as Historical Revision in Octavia E. Butler s Kindred†confronts the issues of prejudice and effects of slavery through fiction and freedom. Both articles take important ideals from the current society in 1976, such as feminism, and compare it to the state of the past society. Schiffâ €™s article specifies on Butler’s use of fiction to expand the portrayal of slavery in order to give the audience a new perspectiveRead MoreThe Origins Of The Female Vampire1504 Words  | 7 Pages The origins of the female vampire in literary fiction of Victorian period arise from male anxiety of the ‘Other’, epitomized in a form of powerful and authoritative, thus dangerous, woman threatening the patriarchal power and domination. The vampire genre provided appropriate literary platform for writing about these anxieties and sexual desires through allegories of vampirism without specifically defining its subversive ideas; delivering them as ambiguous and cryptic. Joseph Thomas SheridanRead MoreThe Traumitized Life of Holden1747 Words  | 7 Pageslousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me†¦but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth†(Salinger 1). Holden provides the audience with Sigmund Freud’s theory of the unconscious mind that holds the variety of ordinary awareness and that keeps troubling or improper urges, impulses, memories and ideas. According to Sigmund Freud, a neurologist and psychiatrist, he interprets psychoanalytic literary criticism, as â€Å"The author’s own childhoodRead MoreMrs Dalloway Key Quotes1089 Words  | 5 Pagesthe characters who’s inner selves are exposed to view, however vain selfish or ignoble their thoughts may occasionally be†David Lodge, art of fiction â€Å"During her parties it was not what she did or said that one remembered but rather the extraordinary sense of her being there†Lucio P. Ruotolo â€Å"At her most interesting, she is a snobbish, vain, repressed lesbian who has dabbled in culture but for the most part of the novel she is only a shadow, poetically enshrined.†Paul Bailey, â€Å" Into the Waves Read More Repressed Personality and Sexual Subtleties in Robert Louis Stevenson Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde1366 Words  | 6 PagesRepressed Personality and Sexual Subtleties in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Tragedies of repression In the reference book Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia Stevenson is noted for saying that fiction should render the truths that make life significant (760). We see this most closely in his Jekyll/Hyde experiment when Jekyll explains why he invented his infamous potion. Jekyll says: I concealed my pleasures; and when I reached years of reflection...I stood already committed to a profoundRead MoreEssay on Character Analysis: Stew1979 Words  | 8 Pagesdislike. â€Å"Tiny, Smiling Daddy†is told in the third person limited point of view through the father, Stew. This point of view is vital to our understanding of events, in that the progression of the story evolves only through Stew’s recollection of memories giving a very limited perspective. Using this style of writing puts a lens, so to speak, on how the reader is going to read the story, there are no outside details from other characters that Gaitskill gives us to help us understand, it is only throughRead MoreAbstract Space : The Void1650 Words  | 7 Pagesthe image of Vertigo’s Carlotta Valdes that Hitchcock identifies, projects, and explores our deepest anxieties about scopophilia, voyeurism, exploitation, and reality, and in the process, exposes the dark aspects of our characters that are often repressed. That concept of multiple identities is the essence of Hitchcock’s cinema and the essence of the film. Paintings in Vertigo make sense of and illumi nate the moth-to-flame relationships Scottie has with the multiple, yet singular identities of MadeleineRead MoreWhen Memories Become Traumatic : A Reading of Jamila Hashmi’s Exile and Joginder Paul’s Dariyaon Pyas2325 Words  | 9 Pageswhich in return led to many heinous crimes. The moments of active malevolence and communal frenzy left an indelible mark on the minds of the people. These unforgettable moments were encapsulated in the form of Partition Literature. Memories of Partition though are often hurtful are well represented in art forms . As it has been argued that art better than any language can voice the unresolved burdens of the past . Literature as a form of art generally goes beyond the strictures of official
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Alzheimer s Disease A Disease - 1304 Words
Amanda Kruse Mr. Brimhall CTEC-CNA PM November 10, 2015 Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s is a disease in the brain that affects a person’s memory, thinking, and behavior. It is the most common form of dementia and is common in adults older than 65. More than five million Americans are being affected by Alzheimer’s at this moment. Alzheimer’s comes in three stages; early, middle, and advanced. The disease is caused by the shrinking of the brain due to many risk factors and genetics. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are often confused because of the similarities and mysteriousness that they share. According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), the are actually very different in many ways. Dementia is term used to describe a disorder that impairs the mental processing of thoughts and memory. Other forms of dementia besides Alzheimer’s are Huntington’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Alzheimer’s Disease is a form of dementia and is the most common, from 60-70% of all dementia cases. To determine cause of dementia, doctors will use different mental evaluations, brain scans, and blood tests. Alzheimer’s is diagnosed through the evidence that the brain scans provide. One significant difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia is the fact that Alzheimer’s is a nonreversible disease. Some forms of dementia are temporary or reversible but Alzheimer’s has no cure and is degenerative. The number of Americans living with Alzheimer’sShow MoreRelatedThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1421 Words  | 6 Pagesengulfed by a mysterious disease. The neurons being cut off and destroyed by two abnormal structures. First memory is affected gradually getting worse. Then one is unable to think properly, reason, and lacks of self control. Gaps are formed in the brain s ventricles, due to the amount of dead tissue. In the end, it will lead to death. All of this may sound like something from a science fiction movie but infact its very real. These are all known possible symptoms of a common disease that affects aboutRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1677 Words  | 7 Pagesone thing Alzheimer s cannot take away, and that is love. Love is not a memory - it s a feeling that resides in your heart and soul.†(Fade to Blank). The human brain is a remarkably complex organ that processes, stores, and recalls information. â€Å"Alzheimer s dise ase (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception. Many scientists believe that Alzheimer s disease resultsRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease And Disease935 Words  | 4 Pageswith Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is commonly found in the elderly. This explains why people assume older people have a bad memory. Alzheimer’s does not occur in a short period of time, it typically takes months to develop. It involves gradual memory loss due to two specific protein fragments that spread to different parts of the brain killing brain cells as they go. As mentioned in the article Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet (2015), Dr. Alois Alzheimer first discovered the disease by noticing somethingRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1304 Words  | 6 Pagesperson knows well, or asking questions continuously can be signs of a more serious problem . It is a disease of the brain that started slowly and gets worse as the time progresses. Alzheimer’s is a progressive destroying of brain tissue that primarily strikes people over the age of 65. Brain functions such as memory, comprehension, and speech deteriorate. The term first introduced by Dr. Alois Alzheimers in 1906. Memory is lost first. As days passes, attention tends to distracted, simple calculationsRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease Essay1482 Words  | 6 PagesAlzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease that is seen in the elderly. It is the most common form of dementia, which is a general term for memory loss and other intellectual abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life (Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia). Alzheimer’s is one of the leading causes of death in America. Dementia and Alzheimer’s have been around for centuries, but Alzheimer’s disease wasn’t first described until 1906 by Dr. Al oysius Alzheimer. In the past, there was aRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1172 Words  | 5 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in America. It kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Alzheimer’s accounts for 70-80% of dementia cases. By the age of 65, 1 in 9 people are diagnosed and by the age of 85, 1 in 3 people will have the disease. According to the Alzheimer Association, 5 million people in American have Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s starts to form 20 years prior to being diagnosed. Learning about Alzheimer’s can help familiesRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : Disease1759 Words  | 8 Pages Alzheimer’s Disease Madison Lollar Psychology 1030-C62 Volstate Community College Word Count: 1,589 Alzheimer’s Disease: When it comes to Alzheimer’s, I know firsthand how it affects individuals and their families. My great grandfather had Alzheimer’s for many years before his passing late last year, at age 92. Alzheimer’s is a disease that many individuals suffer with each year, but yet with all the advancements in modern medicine we still have no cure for it. There are differentRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1385 Words  | 6 PagesThe disease stem cells could fix is called Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The reason I chose this topic is because I have seen first hand how badly someone who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease is affected in their daily lives. This disease completely takes over their lives and they turn into a completely different person who can hardly function. AD is very tough on the loved ones of the person suffering from it because that person, most of the time has no idea what is going on or who their loved onesRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzhe imer s Disease2364 Words  | 10 Pages1. Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a prominent brain disease that effects a massive amount of individuals in the United States. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for 60-80% of dementia cases, with no chance of being cured, prevented or decelerating over time (Alzheimer’s Association, 2014). AD is the most well-known form of dementia, causing complications in brain function in the areas of memory, thinking, and behavior (Alzheimer’sRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease2246 Words  | 9 PagesINTRODUCTION Alzheimer’s Disease has been one of the top leading causes of death in our country. It is understood that this disease is identified as an excess of the protein amyloid-ß within an increase of plaque (Seneff, Wainwright, and Mascitelli, 2010). Additionally, as the brain ages, it gets used to the inflammation and oxidative stress, so it is important to take the right amount of antioxidant micronutrients like vitamin C and vitamin E as well as anti-inflammatory macronutrients such as
Walt Disney Company Vs. Studio Ghibli - 1298 Words
Marina Klimova Professor Stacy English 111 1 October 2017 The Walt Disney Company vs. Studio Ghibli What does a whistling mouse and a catlike bunny creature have in common? They are both the logos of two leading animation companies: the Walt Disney Company and Studio Ghibli. While Disney and Studio Ghibli vary in their style, production, and overall themes, they both produce award winning and adventurous movies for Western and Non-Western audiences alike. In 1928, the whistling Mickey Mouse in the short cartoon Steamboat Willie led to the beginnings of success in Walt Disney’s company and set the ball rolling for the studio to become the widest known in the world (Holliss and Sibley 5). Before that, the company was strained financially and†¦show more content†¦While the directors of Studio Ghibli had in mind to meet these goals as well, they founded the studio more to have free reign in their artistic visions for animated movies. They wished to produce original anime movies(Takai). They on the other hand aimed for just their home country Japan and came to more renown than they intended. Altogether Studio Ghibli and Disney have won many different Therefore, Studio Ghibli’s animations embody a strong sense of Japanese culture while also using Western characters and settings in its productions (Odell and Michelle 33-35). Each animation has the characteristic style of Anime or animations made in Japan which usually looks like the manga, Japanese comic books, they are adapted from. Each has their own look but usually the characters have bigger eyes, small nose and mouth. The two directors of Studio Ghibli brought different themes and genres of animation to the table. Hayao Miyazaki was preoccupied with fantastical worlds hidden inside of our own world, flying machines or flying in general, and environmentalism. Isao Takahata focused more on realistic settings such as school life during adolescence and collaborated with Miyazaki to produce films that had more themes such as, growing up, strong female lead characters, forming an identity, animals with human characteristics and anti-war sentiments (Odell and Michelle 23-30). Disney in contrast, has
Essay on Collective Work Free Essays
From the literature review, discussions and responses, several conclusions can be reached at. To begin, the industry incorporates the employees in the development plans which are very instrumental in achieving the goals. Success is realized because of the team work and collaboration made together. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Collective Work or any similar topic only for you Order Now Collective work makes the employees to be encouraged and feel part of the company. They work in solidarity and one is cared for in every realm. Everyone feel motivated and working to achiever the set objectives are met within the stipulated time. The motivation of workers is very pivotal in the industry because it enables the team to be in solidarity thus making them realize their goals. Service delivery is also an important factor that the industry should look into. Ensuring that the clients get the best services make them feel encouraged and yearn to be served continuously. Morriot hotel is rated among the best in the United Kingdom and the services provided are of high standards. The employees are also motivated in the sense that they feel appreciated when they offer effective service to their clients. On the other hand, the industry gets good reputation by offering the best they can hence making them to retain their clients. Gender sharing of employees at Marriot hotels in the UK is realized that the females are higher than males. The females are approximately at fifty two percent while the rest of the percentage is for feminine. By age, the employees are generally young age wise because nearly eighty four percent are of forty eight years and below. In this plinth, it means that the workers have a lot of energy to provide quality services to the industry. Also, most of the employees can engage most of their times in ensuring that the output is of high quality. The only challenge herein is that the young workers do not feel the importance of consulting old men. They feel to be all round in anything they do, hence resulting to some hitches during times of work. Another important factor to note here is that close to sixty five of the employees have levels of education higher than the college level. High level of education is very important in any working set up. Morrion hotel receives clients from every part of the globe and having workers who are not vast linguistically can easily lead to its mess. Therefore, employing workers who are qualified help the managers in many areas. The staff can easily converse in a friendly way with foreigners without any difficulty. On the other hand, it enables easy flow of work in the industry because one easily understands his or her role as a professional as opposed to a situation where high population of the staff members is not learned. Employees’ job retention has also been realized to be an important factor since it helps in improving the output of the company. Paying good wages to the employees, providing job security and allowing them to advance enable the workers to acquire more skills that give quality output in return. By allowing them to advance in their areas of specialization, they get additional experiences that enable them to work proficiently, hence providing the services which are liked by the clients. At Marrion hotel, the workers are given an offer to pursue higher learning in their areas of specialization. This gives them an additional experience in their line of duties and as well as increasing their salary scale. After education, they can still be absorbed back to be part of the staff. When the employees are motivated through these, they work extra hard to realize the set goals and objectives. Competency based pay help in promoting the needs of the employees` experience and this encourages their career development due to their conclusion of their education. It also enables them to take high ranks in accomplishing their responsibilities. Another positive aspect realized is on empowerment. Because of the good channel of communication in the industry, the employees are taken care of in every circumstance. The problems that they raise are taken with a lot of seriousness and eventually acted upon. Also, they are free to share with the stake holders on their areas of difficulties and improvement done where necessary. They share with the administration their views that can help improve the performance of the company and because of the togetherness that they have, the company is free to make the adjustment brings success to the both of them. In light of this, the industry act on some of the suggestion that is put forward by employees because they plan a very pivotal role in the success of the company. Morriot hotel attract so many investors. The five other hotels created in the recent past have made more economical advancement in the area. In this plinth, a lot of clients come all over the state and even outside to enjoy the services. The tourist sector have greatly benefited from the industry since their clients are well taken care of. A lot of job opportunities have been created and a lot of young people are able to work and support them economically. It has reduced the time of idleness and laxity among young people too. However, the rate at which foreign investors have ventured into the industry is wanting. The foreigners have invested much in the area that the locals. In this case, the locals find it difficult in getting job opportunities. Foreigners have a lot of skills that generate a lot input in the hotels that makes them perform well in terms of service delivery. In as much as foreigners would be providing quality services, it would be prudent for the government and the industry sector to control the number of foreign employees so that the local citizens can get employed. The rate at which foreign employees are paid is also higher as opposed to local workers. The management should regulate the payment rate so that both of them benefit from the work they do. Recommendations While carrying out the research, it is eminent that the questionnaires were written in English. In as much as there were translators who could decode them to the local languages, it would be prudent if they are also availed in the local languages so that those who are not well versed with English also answer the questions with ease. Filling in questionnaires require confidentiality, some people may not feel comfortable answering the forms under the guidance of other people, and they may end up giving wrong results. On the same note, the industry should be at a position of convincing all everyone they come across to fill the questionnaires so that a substantial feedback is obtained. The analysis made put it clear that females are of high population than men at Morrion hotel. This implies that their services are well accepted by the clients than that of men. Women are quicker in preparation of food as well addressing the clients. They use friendly languages that make the clients come again and again. In motivational factors, they are motivated the same way. The same way men are appreciated is the same way; the females are also taken care of. However, the motivation policy states that he who works hard should be appreciated more as opposed to one who does less. In this dictum, it would be wise if the industry looks into this so that the hard work done by women are appreciated well. The government and the industry should also control the number of foreign employees. The fact that they deliver quality services may have a negative impact to job opportunities to the locals. When a lot of job opportunities are spread to the foreigners, the locals do get opportunities to work in their own nation. Because of this, they end up into malpractices that ruin their lives eventually. Also, there should equivalency in the distribution of jobs. Marrion hotels have high of their population at college level and above. There are some workers who might be having the experience and because they have not attained the colleges and universities, it becomes very difficult to them to be absorbed in the hotels. For this case therefore, the industry resort to the foreigners. It would be very vital if such cases are considered so that such potential are absorbed among the staff and through interaction by other members, they advance and become more proficient. In adherence to the above recommendation and other input addressed, Morrion hotel will be rated the best in the United Kingdom. With the world statistical analysis, it is among the best serving hotels. Many would like to be associated with the hotels. The geographical location of the area is also suitable and can be easily accessed by many. Tourists come all over the world to visit the area. In this regard, the adjustments should make on the areas that might be resulting to loopholes. In case the corrections can be made, Marrion hotels will be one of the best in the United Kingdom and the world at large. Lastly, the government should cheap in to help the industry in providing resources so as to make the hotel more attractive because it earns a lot of revenue to the UK government. How to cite Essay on Collective Work, Essays
Accounting Ethics and Audit Quality Nigeria - MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: 1. The following cover various ethical situations .For each you need to state whether there has been violation or no violation of a general ethical principle and if there is a violation which ethical principleis violated.You need to also to briefly outline the reason for your answer in each situation . (a) The Berowra Accountants are advertising a special in the local paper that they guarantee to provide their clients with a tax refund . (b) Jamie Harvey ,Auditor,is an auditor for a chartered accounting firm during the day and has just been asked to be the treasurer of the local athletics club .The athletics club is a not for profit institution and Jamies firm only does audits of large public companies. (c) The Pymble Accountants carried out the Audit of Monlec Ltd from July 7th to the 2nd September2017 and Monlec have advised Pymble Accountants that the final payment is dependent upon receiving an appropriate final report. (d) The Winton Accountants have just completed their audit of the Motoring Services Company and have provided all the working papers to the staff of Chadwick Chartered Accountants who have been asked by the Institute of Chartered Accountants to carry out a Quality Review of the Audit work carried out by Winton Accountants during a recent audit. 2. The following are separate situations where the independence of the Auditor is subject to threat.You are asked to identify the name of the threat to the Auditors independence and briefly explain why it is a threat (a) Leona Ng ,the Senior Accounts Manager ,from Jenkins Ltd has fallen ill and will need replacing for the next four months.Your accounting firm,Thornleigh Accountants has been asked to supply a staff member on secondment until Leona Ng returns. Your firm has supplied Jane Davis and she finished up after four months in mid May . Your firm is going to do the audit of Jenkins Ltdfrom mid July and intend to use Jane Davis as part of the audit team. (b)John Darrow ,the Audit Manager of the Darrow Associates Accountants ,has just received the accounts from Winmalee Ltd .This has taken an optimistic approach to the valuation of development expenditure capitalised in intangible assets .The senior staff bonuses are all related to the firms profit performance and Winmalee have provided paper copies of details taken from various accounting standards,as well as computer files with reports which are sympathetic to their approach to valuation of these assets . ( c) The Chocolate company has asked your firm to carry out the audit of its financial statements. It also has invited your firm to visit its seconds chocolate shop where defective chocolates are sold at a considerable discount prior to completing the audit .The Chocolate company has invited members of your firm to join the Chocolate companys social club. 3. The following independent situations cover different situations which Auditors may encounter.You are asked to state which Audit opinion should be given and briefly explain why. (a)The Connor company has been having increasing difficulty paying its debts during the last financial year and has been relying on its bank overdraft to pay debts . It has just been advised that the bank want repayment of the bank overdraft within one month. All other efforts to obtain finance have been unsuccessful .You have found no material misstatements in the companys financial statements (b)A local company has an American parent company and so it uses the same inventory valuation method of LIFO instead of FIFO. The difference between LIFO and FIFO has been calculated and its effects calculated and while it has lead to a material misstatement the effects are limited to their effect on the Inventory and do not have a material effect on the rest of the financial statements. (c)The Victorian Manufacturing company manufactures prefabricated concrete in its factories It includes its factories in the balance sheet at market value accumulated depreciation.The Factory in Melbourne is included in the balance sheet based on a valuation carried out five years ago .The directors have not asked for another valuation because they have believed that the market values have remained fairly stable over the past five years. Answer: Answer1 (a). According to CPA (2016) Section 250 Marketing Professional Services of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, when a professional accountant in public practice obtains his work through advertising his expertise, there may be a risk of noncompliance with the basic principles of ethics. A professional accountant in public practice should not bring his profession into disgrace while marketing his qualification or expertise. He should be truthful and sincere .He should not compare his performance with others and should not downgrade the work of his fellow mates into disgrace. He should not overstate the statements regarding the services offered to him, his qualifications and expertise. If a professional accountant in practice is in doubt regarding the appropriateness of any of the forms of advertising or marketing, he shall consult with the related specialized organization (Gramling, Johnstone Rittenberg, 2012). According to the details mentioned in this case, the Berowra Accountants are advertising a special case in the newspaper that they can guarantee tax refund. It is a wrong practice to guarantee tax refunds. They are misguiding their clients. They are eligible to plan tax savings and its planning. So, in this case, there is a violation of section 250 in the mentioned case. Answer1 (b) As per Section 210 Professional Appointment of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants ,the professional accountant in public practice shall examine the prospective customers before accepting the proposal to offer his expertise and services. The threat to non-compliance of the basic principles of the code of ethics may arise due to doubtful issues relating to the client. He should evaluate if the client is involved in some illegitimate activities. The professional accountant should obtain full knowledge of his client and understand him completely. He should examine the owners, managerial personnel, administration and commercial activities. He must secure the clients surety pertaining to the up gradation of the corporate governance services and internal control processes (KPMG, 2015). As per Section 220 Conflict of Interest of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants , a professional accountant should recognize the situations which could pose a risk of Conflict of Interest. Where it is impossible to decrease the threat, the professional accountant in public practice must decline the offer of the client. So, in the given case, when Jamie Harvey, the auditor who audits only large public companies has been offered to be the treasurer of the local athletics club which is a not for profit organization. He should decline the offer keeping in mind the Codes of Professional Appointment and Conflict of Interest (Patrick, Vitalis Mdoom, 2017). Answer1 (c). As per Section 290 Independence?Audit and Review Engagement of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants ,the professional accountants must ensure the independent requirements of the execution of audit and review .It focuses that the professional accountant in public practice must independently conduct the audit without any influence of the management . It is specifically stated in the code that the members of the audit team, firms, and the network firms shall be indifferent from the influence of the client. This approach to Independence of Mind and Independence in Appearance analyses the risk to independence of the auditors. It also assesses the risks and safeguards the auditors by removing or reducing the threats up to the acceptable level. A professional accountant in public practice shall implement his professional judgment to apply the conceptual framework of the code of ethics. However it is impossible to define every single situation which poses a threat to the independence of the auditors. The conceptual framework guides the professional accountants to follow the ethical requirements of the code (Cameran, Ditillo Pettinicchio, 2017). So, as per the details given in the case, where the Pymble Accountants carried the audit of Mole Ltd and the company has advised the auditors that the final payment would be dependent on the appropriate final report. It is against the code of ethics and the professional accountant should decline the offer of the client. They should produce a true and fair report of the books of accounts and should conduct their audit independently of the influence of the client. Answer 1 (d). As per Section 230 Second Opinion of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants , circumstances where a professional accountant is asked to provide second opinion on the accounting ,auditing ,reporting and other principles or guidelines to the financial statements of the company which is not an existing client of the auditors. It may pose a threat to the professional expertise of the accountants providing second opinions as it is not necessary that the same set of facts or accounts have been provided to the auditors providing second opinion. So, as a result their opinion may differ or can be inappropriate based on insufficient evidences (Rusmanto, 2017). Whenever the auditors have been asked for second opinion ,they must first analyze whether there are any threats and if there are any ,they must attempt to decrease or remove it .They must also apply safeguards to remove the risk to the compliance with the code of ethics (Porter, Simson Hatherly, 2014). So, in the given case, where the Winton Accountants have just completed the audit of the Motoring Services Company and immediately provided their papers to the staff of Chadwick Chartered Accountants who have been specifically asked by the Institute of Chartered Accountants to carry out review of the audit carried out by the former accountants. As per Section 230, they should first assess the possibility of the risk and apply the safeguards to minimize or reduce them up to the acceptable level (Malaysian Institute of Accountants, 2017). Answer 2 (a). The auditors should independently conduct the proceedings of audit and the audit firm must not be put in a position to assess the matter for which the firm or individual auditor was earlier accountable .If it is so, it is known as Self review threat to the auditors independence. The situation which may create such a threat includes: A member of the audit team has been recently a director, officer and employee of the company in which the auditors are conducting audit .So; they can face the threat of self review if the member is having impact on the key audit matters. Performing auditing services in relation to the client which can affect the subject matter of the audit. Preparation of the data or audit records which create an impact on the audit proceedings. So, in the given case, where Leona Ng, the senior accounts manager ,from Jenkins Ltd has fallen ill and Jane Davis has replaced him. She should not be allowed to participate in the audit procedures of the said entity as she has been the employee of the firm. It will create self -review threat to the independence of auditors (PCAOB, 2015). Answer 2 (b). Management Threat occurs to the independence to the auditors when they find themselves in the shoes of the management. The job of the management is being requested to be done by the auditor. It occurs when the audit firm performs the work regarding the judgments and decision making which should be the responsibility of the management. In the given case, where John Darrow, the audit manager of Darrow Associates Accountants has received the accounts of Winmalee Ltd. which has adopted the optimistic approach regarding the development expenditure of the capitalization of the intangible assets. The management should adopt the pessimistic approach while evaluating the values of the assets. Also the accountants are facing the Threat to Integrity which states that the organization should adopt not only fair dealings with the clients but also communicate fairly while executing the audit proceedings. So, in this case the auditors are facing the Management Threat as well as Threat to Integrity (Khaddash, Nawas Ramadan, 2013). Answer2 (c). Self Interest threat occurs when the audit firm or auditors in public practice could take advantage of the financial or non-financial interest from the client .Examples are: Deriving an expressed financial interest or substantial non-financial interest from the audit client. Visiting the stores of the client to purchase goods or services at the concessional rates. Having business connections with the client. Possible employment with the client. So, according to the details provided in the given case, the chocolate company has asked the auditors to conduct their audit. Before its completion ,they have invited to visist their chocolate store where the defected chocolates are sold at a discounted price. Also, the company has invited the members of the audit firm to join its social club. In the given case the auditors are facing the Self Interest threat where they are induced to purchase the clients products and join their club, so that they can produce a clean auditing report. So, they should deny this offer (Arowoshegb, Uniamikogbo Atu, 2017). Answer 3 (a). Qualified Opinion is conveyed when auditors cant express their unqualified opinions regarding the materiality of any accounting transaction or the financial reports of the company. They also express their qualified opinions when the impact of disagreements on the management is not so immense as to require adverse opinions or disclaimer of opinions. It is expressed when the auditors consider the matter as an exception to the accounting application and are incapable to reduce the risk of substantial misstatements by their auditing procedures. So, in this case, where the Connor Company has been facing the difficulty to pay its debts during the last financial year and has been relying on its bank overdraft to pay its debts. But now the bank has asked it to repay its overdraft within a month and it is left with no financial recourse from which it can repay. Although the company does not have any material misstatement in its reports, the auditors will state their Qualified Opinions in the additional paragraph and the reasons of their opinion (OECD, 2015). Answer3 (b). Where the local company of an American parent company has adopted LIFO method instead of FIFO and its difference has created a material misstatement which are limited to their effects on the inventory and do not have any other impact on the rest of the financial statements. As per Australian Auditing Standard ASA 405 Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during Audit, it deals with the auditors accountability to state the effect of material misstatement on the audit of the financial statements (Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, 2015).So the auditor should analyze the material misstatements during the audit. He should also evaluate whether the overall auditing plan and strategy should be reviewed with regards to the significant material mismanagement found in the financial statements. So, in the given case, with reference to ASA 405, the auditors shall state Adverse Opinion regarding the material misstatements found as a result of difference between the calculation of LIFO and FIFO methods of inventory accounting. An adverse opinion is a professional opinion expressed by the auditors in the independent auditing report .It states that the companys financial statements are misinterpreted and do not appropriately state the true picture of the books of accounts. Thereby, the accounts do not reflect the fair picture of the financial health and performance of the company (Mironiuc, Chersan Robu, 2013). Answer 3(c). A Qualified Opinion is a statement issued by the auditor after the audit proceedings have been completed .It states that the information provided was not as per the requirements or it was inadequate. Also when it is not according to GAAP accounting standards, it is stated in the independent auditors report. It states that the financial statements are properly presented with exception to a specific area .The important feature of qualified opinion is that it bears no impact on the financial position or the efficiency of the organization. A qualified opinion is stated in the final section of the audit report. It is stated regarding the companys internal control measures and accounting statements. In the given case, the factory located in Melbourne and it was valued five years ago. The same amount is included in the balance sheet, assuming that the market values have remained same during the past five years. So, the auditors will give a Qualified Opinion regarding the financial reports of the Victorian Manufacturing company. They shall mention the qualifications in the final section of the report (Nasution, 2013). References Arowoshegb ,A.O.,Uniamikogbo, E. Atu, G.(2017) Accounting Ethics and Audit Quality in Nigeria. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting. 4(2). Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (2015) Auditing Standard ASA 450 Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during the Audit [online]. Available from: https://www.auasb.gov.au/admin/file/content102/c3/ASA_450_Compiled_2015.pdf [Accessed 25th January, 2018]. Cameran, M., Ditillo, A. Pettinicchio, A. (2017) Auditing Teams: Dynamics and Efficiency. Taylor Francis. CPA (2016) Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants [online]. Available from: https://app1.hkicpa.org.hk/hksaebk/HKSA_Members_Handbook_Master/volumeI/COErevised.pdf [Accessed 25th January, 2018]. Gramling, A.A., Johnstone, K.M. Rittenberg, L.E.(2012) Auditing .Cengage Learning. Khaddash, H. A., Nawas, R. A. Ramadan, A.( 2013) Factors affecting the quality of Auditing: The Case of Jordanian Commercial Banks. International Journal of Business and Social Science.4(11). KPMG (2015) The New Auditors Report: Greater Transparency, More Relevant[online]. Available from: https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/cn/pdf/en/2016/12/the-new-auditor-report.pdf [Accessed 25th January, 2018]. Malaysian Institute of Accountants (2017) By-Laws (On Professional Ethics, Conduct and Practice) of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants [online]. Available from: https://www.mia.org.my/v1/downloads/handbook/bylaws/2017/03/15/MIA_By-Laws_Revised_Jan_2011_Updated_15_March_2017.pdf [Accessed 25th January, 2018]. Mironiuc, M., Chersan , L. C. Robu, L. B.(2013) The Influence of the Clients Background on the Auditors Decision in Acceptance the Audit Engagement. Communications of the IBIMA.2013. Nasution, D.(2013) Essays on Auditor Independence [online]. Available from: https://www.doria.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/91419/nasution_damai.pdf?sequence=2 [Accessed 25th January, 2018]. OECD ( 2015) G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance [online]. Available from: https://www.oecd.org/daf/ca/Corporate-Governance-Principles-ENG.pdf [Accessed 25th January, 2018]. Patrick , Z., Vitalis, K. Mdoom,I.(2017) Effect of Auditor Independence on Audit Quality: A Review of Quality: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Business and Management Invention.6(3). PCAOB(2015) Disclosures About the Engagement Partner [online]. Available from: https://pcaobus.org/Rulemaking/Docket029/Release-2015-008.pdf [Accessed 25th January, 2018]. Porter, B., Simson, J. Hatherly, D.( 2014) Principles of External Auditing. Wiley. Rusmanto, T.( 2017) The Effects of Clients Characteristics on Auditor Independence: A Perceptual Study. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues.7(2).
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Censorship Of The Arts In Singapore Essay Example For Students
Censorship Of The Arts In Singapore Essay The commonly accepted definition of censorship- that certain texts, images, or films should be banned. The Longmans English Dictionary defines censorship as to examine books, films, letters etc, to remove anything that is considered offensive, morally harmful, or politically dangerous. Narrowing down the definition to cover The Arts scene in Singapore, the question beckons should anyone have the power to place restrictions on an individuals freedom of expression? One might liken that tying a gag over someones mouth! In a recent dialogue with Minister Mentor Lee (Friday, October 5th, 2007Â Singapore: From Arts to censorship), students posted the view on the natural contradiction in censorship codes and Singapores efforts to promote artistic expression. MM Lee answered simply by suggesting that artists can find expression through many other areas without crossing the red tape. An individuals rights end when they impinge on the safety and rights of others. By enacting laws against pornography and other deviant sexual practices, we have accepted that freedom of expression should have limits. In addition, art, like any other form of free expression, should be subject to the same restrictions on an individuals freedom of expression. To create a legal loophole for content such as racially intolerant speech, which could then seek protection on the grounds that it was a form of art. Other content such as race, religion, violence, coarse language, nudity, homosexuality are less clear cut. However can one say that so long as no illegal acts were committed in the creative process, the public should have a choice in deciding whether to view the resulting content? In recent years (2002-2007) the level of Arts activities in Singapore has gone up. We have many more events in our annual Arts calendar, higher enrolments in our arts schools, larger number of Singaporeans who make the Arts a career or serious hobby. At the advent of Singapores Art scene in 2002, Mr David T E Lim, Acting minister for Information, Communications and the Arts. 13 April 2002; 2:35PM) stated the 3 core factors in shaping censorship locally; namely a Multi-racial society, Globalisation, and technological advancements. He argues that due to our geographical and historical context we are constrained to keep the peace and social harmony first over assertion of rights. One might argue from a point that one who pleases all pleases none at all. Global influence, although with its economic merits might introduce ideas that would destabilize our society or introduce divisive elements, hence the need to filter such influences to suit the maturity of the country. The onslaught of technology has enabled us to command information at our fingertips, hence making it a near impossible task to keep track of; thus undermining controls and safeguards society has in place. In summary, his views (the government views) the resultant stifling of free expression outweighs the potential for exposure to unacceptable material. Censorship, even when age rating systems are used, is a very blunt tool. It takes no account of the differing standards of education or maturity between children and youths, or the varying attitudes towards parenting in different households. By imposing an external standard of censorship, the government is depriving parents of the right to raise their children in a manner that they see fit. We lose the element of parental discretion, which is arguably part of the right to lead a private family life as one sees fit a right that is enshrined in many international human rights conventions. The European convention of Human rights, article 8 states that everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 , .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 .postImageUrl , .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 , .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449:hover , .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449:visited , .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449:active { border:0!important; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449:active , .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449 .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucb731d99f4b42fad152ec080e49e1449:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Critical Analysis Of A Midsummer Nights Dream EssayLooking at adults, one can see that they have the right to vote, bear arms, die for the country. Why should they be the deprived of the ability to decide what they wish to see, or what their children should be allowed to watch? Lastly, we should note that people are not being forced to view artwork at gunpoint. Every member of the public has the right to avert their eyes not look at art that offends them. Similarly, they can refrain from entering a gallery with an exhibition of offensive works. The risks of stifling free expression far outweigh the potential for unacceptable material. Content which we consider perfectly acceptable today would have been regarded as taboo 50 years ago. In the report of the Censorship Review Committee of 2003, it was noted that the report was kept relevant against the backdrop of our social evolution and changing global landscape while understanding the need to fan the creative flames of the new generation and to accommodate the diversity of views. The social glue that bonds our society was not to be compromised, namely Singapores core values, identity, shared memories, religious and racial harmony. But the question one has to ask would be, are these changes coming fast enough to cope with the blooming arts scene here, or is it a tightening noose fighting progress and growth? The report declares that censorship is not just about classification, or access control; nor is it simply about liberalisation or tightening up. Censorship is multi-dimensional, relating media and artistic expression to the social values of community. (Part IV, 9. 0, Conclusion, pg 71) I beg to differ.
American period on philippines free essay sample
TheSpanish-Americanwar which startedin Cuba, changed the history of thePhilippines. On May 1, 1898, theAmericans led by U. S. Navy AdmiralGeorge Dewey, in participation of EmilioAguinaldo, attacked the Spanish Navy inManila Bay. Faced with defeat, thePhilippines was ceded to theUnited Statesby Spain in 1898 after a paymentof US$ 20 million to Spain in accordancewith the Treaty of Paris ending theSpanish-American War. U. S. colony Civil government was established by theAmericans in 1901, with William Howard Taft asthe first American Governor-General of thePhilippines. English was declared the officiallanguage. Six hundred American teachers wereimported aboard the USS Thomas. Also, theCatholic Church was disestablished, and asubstantial amount of church land was purchasedand redistributed. Some measures of Filipino self-rule were allowed, however. An elected Filipinolegislature was established in 1907. Changes in Philippine Culture Government-Democracy was the greatestlegacy the Americans gave us. The government has threebranches: executive (president),legislative (senate and congress)and the judiciary (department of justice). Education Schools were built all over the country and making English as a medium of instructions. We will write a custom essay sample on American period on philippines or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first teachers were called Thomasites Because they came on board the SS Thomas. The University of the Philippines, Philippine Normal College and other agricultural schools were established. Educational System During American Period Like the Spaniards, the Americans brought many changes in their 45 years of reign in the country. Until now, these American influences can still be seen in our lifestyle or way of life. The Commonwealth provided free education in public schools all over the country, in accordance with the 1935 constitution. Education also emphasized nationalism so the students were taught about the life of the Filipino heroes. Vocational education and some household activities like sewing, cooking, and farming were also given importance. Good manners and discipline were also taught to the students. The institute of Private Education was established in order to observe private schools. In 1941, the total number of students studying in the 400 private schools in the country reached 10,000. There was also the existence of Adult Education in order to give formal education even to adults. Changes in Philippine Culture during the American Period during the American Period Religion Protestantism was introduced. In 1918, more or less than 300,00Filipinos became protestant. The church and the state (government) were separated. Freedom of religion was practiced. Changes in Philippine Culture during the American Period during the American Period Transportation and Communication was improved. Americans built roads, streets and bridges for efficient movement of products and services. Examples: Burnham Park, Kennon Road, Camp JohnHay etc. Changes in Philippine Culture During the American Period Entertainment- Music and dance Hollywood movies became popular inthe country. New kinds of music anddance were introduced like rock n roll,boogie, jazz, tango, chacha, polka, andrhumba. Filipinos learned to watch and playgames like table tennis, basketball,volleyball, boxing, and football. The Filipinos learned the value of cleanliness and healthy practices. They were taught proper hygieneto make them healthy and be freefrom contagious diseases. Hospitals, clinics, and healthcenters were built. Public hospitalsfor leper victims were alsoestablished. Mode of Dressing was changed. The women learned to wear dresses, high-heeled shoes and hand bags. While the men wore suits, polo shirts, ties and jeans. Food like ice cream, cakes, beef steak, hotdog, hamburgers, sandwiches, cookies, and donuts were introduced. American architecture is still present today. Up, PNU, Manila Hotel and PGH are some examples. Boulevards, zone districts, streets, centers of leisure were also built. Livelihood The Philippine economy was also improved due to increase agricultural production and development of new industries. The Filipino attitude was gradually changed. We learned to be frank, humorous, belief in rights and freedom, and love for sports. â€Å"Pagmamano†was replaced by kissing the cheeks of parents and elders as a sign of respect. The English language was widely taught all over the country. Soon, taught all over the country. Soon, some english words became part of some english words became part of our vocabulary. Filipinos adoptedour vocabulary. Filipinos adopted American names like Charlie, Anna, American names like Charlie, Anna, Francis, and Cherry. Francis and Cherry. The Negative Impact of the American Colonization
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