Tuesday, May 5, 2020
American period on philippines free essay sample
TheSpanish-Americanwar which startedin Cuba, changed the history of thePhilippines. On May 1, 1898, theAmericans led by U. S. Navy AdmiralGeorge Dewey, in participation of EmilioAguinaldo, attacked the Spanish Navy inManila Bay. Faced with defeat, thePhilippines was ceded to theUnited Statesby Spain in 1898 after a paymentof US$ 20 million to Spain in accordancewith the Treaty of Paris ending theSpanish-American War. U. S. colony Civil government was established by theAmericans in 1901, with William Howard Taft asthe first American Governor-General of thePhilippines. English was declared the officiallanguage. Six hundred American teachers wereimported aboard the USS Thomas. Also, theCatholic Church was disestablished, and asubstantial amount of church land was purchasedand redistributed. Some measures of Filipino self-rule were allowed, however. An elected Filipinolegislature was established in 1907. Changes in Philippine Culture Government-Democracy was the greatestlegacy the Americans gave us. The government has threebranches: executive (president),legislative (senate and congress)and the judiciary (department of justice). Education Schools were built all over the country and making English as a medium of instructions. We will write a custom essay sample on American period on philippines or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first teachers were called Thomasites Because they came on board the SS Thomas. The University of the Philippines, Philippine Normal College and other agricultural schools were established. Educational System During American Period Like the Spaniards, the Americans brought many changes in their 45 years of reign in the country. Until now, these American influences can still be seen in our lifestyle or way of life. The Commonwealth provided free education in public schools all over the country, in accordance with the 1935 constitution. Education also emphasized nationalism so the students were taught about the life of the Filipino heroes. Vocational education and some household activities like sewing, cooking, and farming were also given importance. Good manners and discipline were also taught to the students. The institute of Private Education was established in order to observe private schools. In 1941, the total number of students studying in the 400 private schools in the country reached 10,000. There was also the existence of Adult Education in order to give formal education even to adults. Changes in Philippine Culture during the American Period during the American Period Religion Protestantism was introduced. In 1918, more or less than 300,00Filipinos became protestant. The church and the state (government) were separated. Freedom of religion was practiced. Changes in Philippine Culture during the American Period during the American Period Transportation and Communication was improved. Americans built roads, streets and bridges for efficient movement of products and services. Examples: Burnham Park, Kennon Road, Camp JohnHay etc. Changes in Philippine Culture During the American Period Entertainment- Music and dance Hollywood movies became popular inthe country. New kinds of music anddance were introduced like rock n roll,boogie, jazz, tango, chacha, polka, andrhumba. Filipinos learned to watch and playgames like table tennis, basketball,volleyball, boxing, and football. The Filipinos learned the value of cleanliness and healthy practices. They were taught proper hygieneto make them healthy and be freefrom contagious diseases. Hospitals, clinics, and healthcenters were built. Public hospitalsfor leper victims were alsoestablished. Mode of Dressing was changed. The women learned to wear dresses, high-heeled shoes and hand bags. While the men wore suits, polo shirts, ties and jeans. Food like ice cream, cakes, beef steak, hotdog, hamburgers, sandwiches, cookies, and donuts were introduced. American architecture is still present today. Up, PNU, Manila Hotel and PGH are some examples. Boulevards, zone districts, streets, centers of leisure were also built. Livelihood The Philippine economy was also improved due to increase agricultural production and development of new industries. The Filipino attitude was gradually changed. We learned to be frank, humorous, belief in rights and freedom, and love for sports. â€Å"Pagmamano†was replaced by kissing the cheeks of parents and elders as a sign of respect. The English language was widely taught all over the country. Soon, taught all over the country. Soon, some english words became part of some english words became part of our vocabulary. Filipinos adoptedour vocabulary. Filipinos adopted American names like Charlie, Anna, American names like Charlie, Anna, Francis, and Cherry. Francis and Cherry. The Negative Impact of the American Colonization
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